Do phrag andreetae self pollinate?

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
I've seen in literature that fischeri very often self pollinate. Do p andreetae also do this occasionally? I ask because my first andreetae flower formed a seed pod and I didn't pollinate it. There are, however, flies and moths that occasionally make it through my kitchen window screening when I have a light on timer which is on after dark

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Yes Charles; my plant is at its 6th flower on the same spike, with more bud(s) ! one of the seed capsules of previous flowers exploded some days ago sending its tiny seeds all over my window-sill, and 2 younger closed seed capsules ! no insects, and for a long period of time no other flowers in the room! I already had the same at previous bloomings!

Self pollination in the schlimii group:

-schlimii: only few populations self pollinate.
-schlimii fma. manzurii: some populations self pollinate. The holotype (albiflorum clone) does.
-andreettae: stressed or weak plants self pollinate.
-fischeri: always self pollinate.
-anguloi: Self pollinates frequently.
-x daguense: always self pollinate
-x narinense: Self pollinates very frequently.
hope it helps