I grow [all] my paphs in a non-organic medium, Greenmix, mainly consisting of rockwool (diabas), perlite and lignite, i.e. both waterabsorbing and waterrepellent material.
When properly used, in a short while a nice layer of moss will form on top of the medium... the medium shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely, but the waterrepellent elements should allow for air and some dryness for the roots...
Our local mastergrower, mr. Hans Christiansen from Orchidégartneriet in Fredensborg, swears to it, some people at my local orchid society seems to hate it... Actually, it appears to me, that the question of growth media is the thing most likely to bring on something akin to religious war among orchid growers!

In this, parallel to so many other aspects of life, my own rather agnostic maxim would be: choose the growth media(s) you feel comfortable with and get to know it real well, learn from your errors, and don't change what works well! Or maybe it might be appropiate to quote St. Paul in this instance: "...test everything; hold fast what is good" (1. Thess. 5:21)
Kind regards, Jens