Dracula rezekiana, 'MC2698' x self

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
This plant flowered this spring (May, 2014). The flower lasts about 2 weeks, and it has been opening a new flower every 3 weeks. I ended up putting it in a net-pot, but it turned out the inflorescence did go above ground.

Dracula rezekiana, 'MC2698' x self, on Flickr

Two different lighting of the same flower (more dramatic lighting on the left, and more ordinary way on the right):

Dracula rezekiana, 'MC2698' x self, on Flickr

It is from Troy Meyers' cross (pollination July 2007, so 7 years since pollination). I got it as a big seedling (not flask), so I'm not sure if this is the first bloom of this plant, but it is likely. It is a quick/easy grower under 70-75/60-67F.

It is interesting that the shape and color of the lip is pretty different from its parent (you can see the parent photo here). Mine has more pinkish lip and the lip seems to be more elongated.