I applaud people not using credit cards. One thing that is helpful, however is that if you have someone get ahold of your credit card information and rack up bills, it's fraud of course and you aren't liable for those charges. In this case you still have your bank account intact. If someone gets ahold of your bank information and cranks things up it's still fraud and you aren't technically liable, but until you go through the time and expense of proving the fraud, your money is tied up and unavailable to you. If you can't prove fraud in the worst case scenario your money is gone, not some credit.
That said, paypal has both options. I can see the logic in only a small amount for each transaction through the other company, but it's unproven yet..... how trustworthy they are with your information. Better to wait and see how things sort out. Thing is, many people who send small funds don't ever have to pay a fee. If they need to pay for each transaction in the long run they will spend more money. Not a lot, but still will pay more. Maybe good for an ebayer....