Ebay is a funny place. There are stuff I thought would worth more and sold for less, and there are times when I thought "no way" for that price and the plant was sold for even more. I was watching a nice Sukhakulii alba listing last night, and boom it was gone this morning, apparently sold for the asking "buy me now" price. Same thing with a Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica item over last weekend. I was watching it and then noticed there was an aggressive bidder whom would bid higher and higher. That item was listed at 50 but sold for 700 with 79 bids total. It was insanity in full display. Some Cattleyas on Ebay are known to get bid aggressively due to the value of rarity or so tightly held that practically just a couple of people on the planet has a division of those historic plants. The JB in the current listing here is nice, but IMO, the price is way off, maybe 4-10X off. I saw it was initially listed at half the current low price then got bump shortly afterwards. I would purchase a top class JB with awards or high potential of such at a modest fraction of listed here, but then again, I maybe the cheapskate in the orchid world when it comes to expensive plants.