Love these. Still waiting for my 3 to bloom. Any tips? How long do spikes take to develop?
Aren't they from like May? How tall are they now? I have no tips. They'll do what they do. haha
Some takes longer than others. This particular one didn't take that long last year. This year, it wasn't too painful, either.
The sheath emerged in August. Then, I saw the spike a few weeks later. From then on, it grew steadily.
My other one is taking longer. It spiked around the same time, but much slower. The spike on that plant is now about 9inch tall with the bud visible. It is about the largest plant of Fanaticum I've ever seen, so the flower better be nice. Or else...haha
Other other Fanaticum that bloomed last year and this year, they took even shorter. They spiked around July/August, then open bloom around October. Parivs in general, with the easy exception of delenatii, I think once the sheath/spike begin to rise, then, all is well. When they sit around forever, I now realize that something is not right and they would just eventually abort.
This happened with one Emma Decker and Fumi's Delight this year already. So much for the waiting.
I now have more Fumi's Delight and Barbara Larkin in sheath. really hope that they will make it this time. These plants all have a bud blasting record. arg!!!!