Finally Started: Greenhouse

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Hello Ross.
How many inspections from start to finish for this project?
One to get the building permit. Being in the country, the only requirements that I was aware of was to observe 100 foot set back from wetlands, and we needed to get the houses septic system inspected and approved. the site was approved and the septic system passed, so we got our building permit.

Electric- I know Jean asked already, but I'm not clear, is the electric service to be buried, or overhead?
Service to the building will be underground. Wiring in the greenhouse will be overhead in sealed conduit. As I said before, the tubing shown is to convey the hot water heat throughout the floor.

No concrete footings? Do walls float on crushed stone?
The walls are placed on the pea gravel between the forms and then anchored down with 40 inch stakes.

Sorry for flurry of Qs, but this is more comfortable topic than flowers, for me.:)

No problem!:) I'll answer things the best I can without pestering Kenny too much. :poke:
Just thought I'd post a few pictures of our small greenhouse as it's built. I would have liked a larger one, but space and heating costs tempered the size. The measurements will be 24ft x 32ft.
Oh you crack me up!!
BTW, that looks fantastic, I hope to one day visit your enterprise. Wow, now you have to think about shade cloth and extra lighting...:D Thanx for sharing and keep us posted.
Looks great. My new, 2nd g.h is still awaiting electrical and has been a temp. chicken coop for 2 months:<

Any guestimate what your heating bill will be in the winter?
Looks great. My new, 2nd g.h is still awaiting electrical and has been a temp. chicken coop for 2 months:<

Any guestimate what your heating bill will be in the winter?

No idea other than not good, especially when we get those three week bouts of -20F weather. That's why all the extra is being spent on insulation. I hope to show more of our heat saving measures as construction continues.
Woow! I wished I could get such a small greenhouse too! Congrats!
Covering the heating tubes with a layer of sand. Note the tubes coming out of the corner.

We were told that the heating tubes must be in cement. Otherwise, they will move about and crack/break. So now we have to decide whether to use in-floor heating, or a sand/pea stone floor and different heating.

Different state? or manufacturer?
We were told that the heating tubes must be in cement. Otherwise, they will move about and crack/break. So now we have to decide whether to use in-floor heating, or a sand/pea stone floor and different heating.

Different state? or manufacturer?

I really don't know. I believe the contractor installing the heating had done the same type of set up in another greenhouse in the area several years ago. I can double check with the owner to see if there have been problems.
I'm so happy for you and Julie, Ross. I can't wait to go out there and check it out when it's all finished.
Awesome.................................. :) Someday I hope to have one that large! And my own flasking lab too of course while I'm looking so far ahead and spending money I don't have yet! :)
I really don't know. I believe the contractor installing the heating had done the same type of set up in another greenhouse in the area several years ago. I can double check with the owner to see if there have been problems.

It would be interesting to know, Ross. Until we heard about the cement thing very recently, we'd been planning on setting the pipes in sand and then put pavers over the top.
congrats. I am just afraid you will fill that in no time and want bigger. Good luck
Today's progress

Landscape cloth over sand

Pea gravel on top of that

You got to love these pictures. I guess, what we will find is:
Once it's built and ready, all plants in, and the shade-cloth down, it will look half the size as it does now. Which is okay, once the frist one is built, the second one can always follow...;0))
You got to love these pictures. I guess, what we will find is:
Once it's built and ready, all plants in, and the shade-cloth down, it will look half the size as it does now. Which is okay, once the frist one is built, the second one can always follow...;0))

Because of the way things are situated, we couldn't have gone much bigger in this location. Upon looking at it, me might have been able to get another 4 feet in length and I would have made the request except that the trusses were special ordered.
Why I Need a Greenhouse

Some have been envious of the size of the greenhouse, while others (myself included) wish it could be larger. Just for reference, here are the 12 growing spots in the house. I estimate that I will fill at least one and one half of the three 6' x 24' benches with what's in the house. Here's the upstairs plants.





