I have a haynaldianum with the 1st flower bottom of pouch pushed up the 3rd pouch totally mangled took it off and the fourth it's opening now looks the same as the third. I have a vanda m pearman pouch was twisted with staminode twisted, dorsel and lateral sepal was fine, I took it off and threw it away. The first of three shun fa golden x roth blooms twisted pouch one leaf a little higher than the other I took it off the other 2 seem fine
No, the growers I got them from might have, they are all fairly big growers, huh, so I'll just have to wait till they bloom agian. The top two pics. Of the shun fa look ok, it was just the first flower on that one I hope
i'm confused
did you remove the flowers before they fully opened or are you looking at the buds and see them as misshappen?
they do all sorts of weird moving and twisting before they are fully opened
On my vanda m pearman the staminode was sticking out the side of the bud where the petal should have been close to opening so I pulled it off it was missing part of the pouch and the whole flower was twisted in the almost opening bud the first of the three shun fa was close to that the petals were askew and the staminode was higher on one side but not sideways the haynaldianum I took pictures of you could see that one. I have a formosa lady going into bloom a psyche going into bloom and a harold koopowitz possibly more I want to stop this trend!! Of messed up blooms
Frustrating, though, Troy! I agree with Dot that you should let them fully open before judging. Malformed blooms usually aren't a permanent feature of the plant, though. It can happen once and never again.
It is amazing the gyrations a bloom will take before it fully unfurls to what it should look like. Sometimes one portion will begin to grow quickly making the bud look all askew - you see this in Phrags and wonder how that bent up whisker sticking out will ever be a long hanging tendril. Other parts will grow slower.
I think you need to let your plants go through their normal flower growth and complete opening - which takes time and can look strange even at first unfurl - before making decisions. I know, we all get anxious to see them open. Got to have patience!
what is your light source?
do you change how they face the light?
they are phototropic (grow towards the light) and if they are moved, the inflorescence (flower stalk) and/or the buds can bend towards the light and cause misshapen flowers