Absolutely. There’s almost no time in there where I don’t at least have a spike growing. The last of last year’s blooms faded about mid March. The down side is the flowers with triggers don’t last long as it takes a whole lot of energy for the mechanism to work. So with catasetums themselves the flowers will only be pristine for 3 days maximum. Cycnoches can last about 2 weeks. Mormodes a little longer, and clowesia about a month. Intergenic hybrids can last that long too. This of course all depends on environmental factors.
Some catasetums first bloom in the spring as bulbs mature, then again in the summer, with others first blooming in the summer then again as days begin to shorten. Cycnoches tend to start blooming in early fall until dormancy. Clowesia bloom when dormancy starts. Mormodes are kind of sporadic, favoring fall. Intergenics can bloom any time. Most Fdk bloom in winter off dormant bulbs. Most clowesetum in summer. So yea. Pretty much year round