First Cycnoches for 2017

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Aug 14, 2014
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This guy woke up in December and has grown well.
So, it will also be the first to flower among all others in the similar group I have.

It is a mix of 3/4 pentadactylon and 1/4 herrenhusanum.

There was 15, but I accidently knocked the plant over and one fell off.
It could have been much worse. lol

I already see the spots inside.
I just hope the flower won't be too thing like straight pentadactylon, although that would most likely be the case given the majority of its genes come from that species. Soon to find out! :)


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So, finally, the flowers began to open yesterday.
It pretty much smells like my other similar hybrids. Banana plus some kind of spice that I can't quite pinpoint. Pleasant for sure!

As the buds were growing, they turned slightly yellow and the texture looked as if they were drying up. I thought they were going to wither away like my other hybrid did last year, but I'm glad these made it to open bloom so I have an idea and can make a decision about it.

I was hoping for something more like bright clean pastel yellow with crisp spotting ideally, but this is good enough to enjoy.

I wonder how many more flowers it might hold next year already! :)

These make such great display.


Very nice! Looks like a beefed up pentadactylon. I like the spots and the flatness. That lip is quite intricate as well. Thanks for sharing!
I just noticed that another of my Cycnoches is spiking.
Also a first timer, and it should be something similar to this but better, or so I hope!

It is 1/2 warscewiczii, 1/4 pentadactylon and 1/4 herrenhusanum. Should be larger and yellower (hopefully) flowers.
can't wait...two months at least, though, I think.
Stay tuned!
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Just a quick update.
All the flowers are still looking fresh and fragrance is strong after 11 days.
They are still emitting fragrance this morning, although I can see flowers starting to look a little tired.

I have three other Cycnoches hybrids popping out a spike at the moment, and in about two month or so, I should be having a mini flower show of Cycnoches!

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