godefroyae at my place

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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May 29, 2011
Reaction score
southern Indiana
There have been several of these recently posted, so I thought I would add one more for comparison. I grew it from flask and I think it took about 5 years for this first bloom. The plant is healthy with three new growths emerging. The flower is about 8 cm and is smooth and round, but not completely flat. It has been open for about 4 days, so it might flatten out a bit in the next week.



I believe you are correct. There have many good discussions on the variations of this species and the recognized forms on this forum. I don't have a lot of experience with these, so I take the safe route and just refer to them as godefroyae. Mike
That is a very nice leuco or variety leuco Mike. It appears to be potted in fairly small size mix. How often have you been watering it? I find if you don't get the mix and watering right you rot the plants out. These are the toughest plant for me to grow.

The mix is fine, but it provides good drainage and I keep it a little on the dry side, especially in the winter. Also, the root system on this plant fills up most of the pot, so there really isn't that much medium to stay wet. I'm always surprised at how extensive the root system is on these godefroyae when I repot.


Nearly all of my plants get dilute fertilizer with every watering. I use about 1/4 teaspoon/gallon of RO water and I rotate between Michigan State formulation and Calcium Nitrate with a little Magnesium Nitrate. I think these solutions are about 300 ppm according to my cheap TDS meter. Maybe once a month I flush with RO water or dilute Magnesium Sulfate. Sometimes if it is hot and dry in the greenhouse, I might give the medium a quick spray with straight RO water to dampen the surface.
