God's Lady

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I think this might be my favourite paph! I can't say why but I just love it.
I have had some problems with it. usually the spike is really short and the first bud usually opens up down in the leafs. This is the best blooming so far. The stem is taller and the flower shape is slightly better.

You can compare it with last years blooming here.

beautiful I've never see someone like this.
what cross is ?
congrats too .
I like how the pouch has no markings. I like this more than rolfei. I wounder is the majority of this cross is easier to bloom than paph rolfei too. Maybe they used leucochilum to get the pouch like that. And three flowers, great job blooming this plant.
WOW, what a lovely flower, what a lovely flower, what a lovely flower !!!