1) Slipperking:
There's no way these plants for sale at Odem's came out of a flask last year! Has anyone called them up and ask about the legality of their plants?
-I remember that peoples who went to the convention mentioned that there were both plants & flasks available. So perhaps these are the seedling plants from last year & not the plants from flasks. If so the 40 dollar price reflects the plant's size.
2) Ernie:
Vietnam has told the US that they have NOT released ANY legal hangianums or given collection permits for them. That might have changed by now, but was true in Jan 2008. The other issue is that neighboring China claims to have its own populations of hangianums which they have released, but last I heard no one could verify this.
- Vietnam did export plants to China (whether very very cheaply as herb plants in bulk, or as someone even said with proper Cites, but now they change their tune, and claim that it have never happened, only Gods know the reason of this denying) It is too late for them to play game & hope to get any profit out of it any way, since China & Taiwan already made many flasks & hybrids.