I received a plant from Lance that was potted in a mix of the old and new primeagra and I'll back what he said about his batch. It was dark, dark charcoal grey in color, almost a black. I repotted it today in the old primeagra only and threw the mix of the two out.
Oh I don't doubt Lance, I just don't have the answers. In my experience so far I haven't seen a PrimeAgra product that color, but I only go through a fraction of what Ray does. So I have no idea what the variations may be between shipments from his manufacturer.
I agree this new PrimeAgra is clearly not like the original product, but if you have been buying the original PrimeAgra over the years you probably noticed the the shape of the media was getting weirder and weirder, and less uniform. You can see it in my photos posted earlier.
My understanding is that the manufacturer upgraded and replaced a fair amount of equipment and added some computer controlled components to rectify the odd particle shape and gain better control over the firing and the process as a whole. So my understanding is that the product is still being produced in the same place, just on updated technology.
I really wish I could shed some light as to what is going on, but I just don't know. I have known Ray since 2003 and he just does not come across to me as the type of person that would switch to an inferior product just to turn a buck. I'm inclined to surmise that the company that produces the product made some changes and we're stuck with what we've got.
I'm not entirely sure how much control Ray has over the final product. If you read on his page he explains how he came up with this culture of growing orchids, so I think its safe to say he finally found a LECA product somewhere that met his criteria, realized its potential, and marketed it under his trademarks. And it is entirely feasible to assume that said company may have modified its product in order to lower its costs, or expand in to other markets.
This all of course is speculation as I have never asked Ray nor expect him to divulge anything other than my wholesale cost. However, as I puzzle over our particular quandary, I can't help but think that the simplest answer is just that.
Best regards,