Hello from Buckingham VA

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Feb 28, 2025
Reaction score
Buckingham VA
I just got home from the orchid show in Richmond VA and bought a cattleya that I had never heard of. When I got home, I nerded out over all of my new orchids.

The one I was looking for was Cattleya trianae var. semi-alba flamea ‘Kathleen’. In doing my Google search, I found a post in this forum with beautiful pictures. So I wanted to join. So hello!
Welcome! I really wanted to go to the Richmond show this year, but it didn't work out. How was it? It was a blast the last time I went a couple of years ago.

What kind orchids did you get? Even though this forum is historically and nominally geared towards slipper orchids, it also has a very big presence of non-slippers as well. I love that about this place, it's quite inclusive in that respect.
Welcome! If you’re into slippers, you’re not too far from DC and should go to next year’s Paph Forum.
I just got my first paphs last year and while they did great in my house under grow lights in moss, they did not survive my summer outside.

In their defense, I moved last may to a home where the deck was the quintessential meaning of "full sun" as opposed to my last deck that had a canopy of trees over it. In the heat of a long distance move, I just didn't realize they all were suffering. I lost a number of my collection.

But I did see my favorite youtuber say that is what happened to him with them and he's an experienced orchid person. He said they all rotted for him when he broght them outside, but he didn't use moss, only bark. Have you heard of this phenomenon?
Welcome! I really wanted to go to the Richmond show this year, but it didn't work out. How was it? It was a blast the last time I went a couple of years ago.

What kind orchids did you get? Even though this forum is historically and nominally geared towards slipper orchids, it also has a very big presence of non-slippers as well. I love that about this place, it's quite inclusive in that respect.

It was just amazing! This is the first time that I went on a Friday as I was hoping that it wouldn't be as crowded (it's sometimes quite difficult to look at things due to how many other people are also trying to look at that same thing). My husband can't tolerate that kind of push of bodies so to speak which has left me in the lurch because he wanted "out".

But I find it to be the best day of the year. Better than Christmas (as I don't have to see people that I don't like, lol). And I will never miss it again, it's wonderful. And I found such deals!

I purchased:

From Chadwicks

A massive (and when I say massive, it's massive) Coelogyne Lawrenceana for$40

A Sharry Baby Sweet Fragrance, just because I didn't have one. HUGE $45

Am Iwanagarra Apple Blossom, in spike with 3 massive bulbs for $35

From the Virginia Orchid Society:

MCP Lai Ming NG in a 4 inch basket (very mature) $45

Militonopsis Anne Warne 'Alli', very mature, in a handmade glass dish (made by a member of the orchid society)

C.Trianae Semi-Alba F. Flamea 'Kathleen', 4 nice sized bulbs, in bloom, one new growth $225

P. Ho Chi Minh, huge, $60

And last but certainly not least, from a grower on or near the coastal VA area, a Vanda Fuchs Delight that was easily 5 ft tall if not taller for $175. I'm in a real pickle with this one as I soak my vandas overnight in plastic tubs that don't have tall sides and this one is in bloom and will easily topple over, so I'm going to have to get a huge heavy duty storage bin, but it's so heavy.... My husband secretly bought it and put it in the car while I was otherwise in full on happy shopping mode. I'm only 5 feet 2 inches...
Welcome! Awesome finds, some of those are on my own want list. Very sweet of your husband to secretly nab the vanda for you also.
Many of us here have accidentally baked orchids (some of us quite literally 🤪😂 @NYEric). Hearing other's stories here has definitely made me feel less like a murderer when something goes wrong. We're all learning!
Glad to have you.
Welcome! Awesome finds, some of those are on my own want list. Very sweet of your husband to secretly nab the vanda for you also.
Many of us here have accidentally baked orchids (some of us quite literally 🤪😂 @NYEric). Hearing other's stories here has definitely made me feel less like a murderer when something goes wrong. We're all learning!
Glad to have you.
Well you just made me feel better about the now infamous "summer of 2024 decimatiom", lol! And thank you for the warm welcome!

It was just amazing! This is the first time that I went on a Friday as I was hoping that it wouldn't be as crowded (it's sometimes quite difficult to look at things due to how many other people are also trying to look at that same thing). My husband can't tolerate that kind of push of bodies so to speak which has left me in the lurch because he wanted "out".

But I find it to be the best day of the year. Better than Christmas (as I don't have to see people that I don't like, lol). And I will never miss it again, it's wonderful. And I found such deals!

I purchased:

From Chadwicks

A massive (and when I say massive, it's massive) Coelogyne Lawrenceana for$40

A Sharry Baby Sweet Fragrance, just because I didn't have one. HUGE $45

Am Iwanagarra Apple Blossom, in spike with 3 massive bulbs for $35

From the Virginia Orchid Society:

MCP Lai Ming NG in a 4 inch basket (very mature) $45

Militonopsis Anne Warne 'Alli', very mature, in a handmade glass dish (made by a member of the orchid society)

C.Trianae Semi-Alba F. Flamea 'Kathleen', 4 nice sized bulbs, in bloom, one new growth $225

P. Ho Chi Minh, huge, $60

And last but certainly not least, from a grower on or near the coastal VA area, a Vanda Fuchs Delight that was easily 5 ft tall if not taller for $175. I'm in a real pickle with this one as I soak my vandas overnight in plastic tubs that don't have tall sides and this one is in bloom and will easily topple over, so I'm going to have to get a huge heavy duty storage bin, but it's so heavy.... My husband secretly bought it and put it in the car while I was otherwise in full on happy shopping mode. I'm only 5 feet 2 inches...
Welcome, and what a fine haul.
I just got my first paphs last year and while they did great in my house under grow lights in moss, they did not survive my summer outside.

In their defense, I moved last may to a home where the deck was the quintessential meaning of "full sun" as opposed to my last deck that had a canopy of trees over it. In the heat of a long distance move, I just didn't realize they all were suffering. I lost a number of my collection.

But I did see my favorite youtuber say that is what happened to him with them and he's an experienced orchid person. He said they all rotted for him when he broght them outside, but he didn't use moss, only bark. Have you heard of this phenomenon?

Some paphs like our heat, like the multiflorals (Roth, philipipinense, etc). Others can tolerate the heat if kept shady and moist (some hybrids). I’m guessing the YTber overwatered, had poor airflow, and the bark may have started rotting which is why his paphs rotted.
Some paphs like our heat, like the multiflorals (Roth, philipipinense, etc). Others can tolerate the heat if kept shady and moist (some hybrids). I’m guessing the YTber overwatered, had poor airflow, and the bark may have started rotting which is why his paphs rotted.
Ah, that makes so much sense. Thank you!

It was just amazing! This is the first time that I went on a Friday as I was hoping that it wouldn't be as crowded (it's sometimes quite difficult to look at things due to how many other people are also trying to look at that same thing). My husband can't tolerate that kind of push of bodies so to speak which has left me in the lurch because he wanted "out".

But I find it to be the best day of the year. Better than Christmas (as I don't have to see people that I don't like, lol). And I will never miss it again, it's wonderful. And I found such deals!

I purchased:

From Chadwicks

A massive (and when I say massive, it's massive) Coelogyne Lawrenceana for$40

A Sharry Baby Sweet Fragrance, just because I didn't have one. HUGE $45

Am Iwanagarra Apple Blossom, in spike with 3 massive bulbs for $35

From the Virginia Orchid Society:

MCP Lai Ming NG in a 4 inch basket (very mature) $45

Militonopsis Anne Warne 'Alli', very mature, in a handmade glass dish (made by a member of the orchid society)

C.Trianae Semi-Alba F. Flamea 'Kathleen', 4 nice sized bulbs, in bloom, one new growth $225

P. Ho Chi Minh, huge, $60

And last but certainly not least, from a grower on or near the coastal VA area, a Vanda Fuchs Delight that was easily 5 ft tall if not taller for $175. I'm in a real pickle with this one as I soak my vandas overnight in plastic tubs that don't have tall sides and this one is in bloom and will easily topple over, so I'm going to have to get a huge heavy duty storage bin, but it's so heavy.... My husband secretly bought it and put it in the car while I was otherwise in full on happy shopping mode. I'm only 5 feet 2 inches...

If you're wanting the very best of the orchids being sold by vendors, you want to show up early on the first day of the show or pre-order to pick up at the show. I usually try to aim my arrival near the very start for that very reason. The sales tables can be more fun than the actual show sometimes.

You got some nice things! I see lots of fragrant selections in there, and fragrant orchids are kind of my thing! That Miltonia Anne Warne is a great selection. My Miltonia spectabilis (one of the ancestral species of that hybrid) is wrapping up its blooming season. Heavenly fragrance on that.

Would you be able to water your new roommate in the shower? Might work to let the water rain down on it for a bit, instead of trying to find something big enough to place it in? I know it's contingent on having decent quality water and other factors, but I bet you could make it work for a Vanda that size.
If you're wanting the very best of the orchids being sold by vendors, you want to show up early on the first day of the show or pre-order to pick up at the show. I usually try to aim my arrival near the very start for that very reason. The sales tables can be more fun than the actual show sometimes.

You got some nice things! I see lots of fragrant selections in there, and fragrant orchids are kind of my thing! That Miltonia Anne Warne is a great selection. My Miltonia spectabilis (one of the ancestral species of that hybrid) is wrapping up its blooming season. Heavenly fragrance on that.

Would you be able to water your new roommate in the shower? Might work to let the water rain down on it for a bit, instead of trying to find something big enough to place it in? I know it's contingent on having decent quality water and other factors, but I bet you could make it work for a Vanda that size.
Oh thank you! Yes, I got there at 1 pm when it started. So I really made out with great ones. And I have been nerding out all day by watching YouTube to learn about them. And that militonopsis is so beautiful! And I did buy a rubber trash can at Lowes today for that enormous Vanda to soak overnight in. And it's tall enough to not tip over in it thank goodness!
Plastic containers fot clothes, etc., that slide under a bed, around 6"high, maybe 15" across and 3ft long could be just the thing for the giant Vanda. Its roots can lay in the warm shallow water with plant propped up at end. Easy and less water waste. I like vandas especially, so always mulling over a practical technique.
Plastic containers fot clothes, etc., that slide under a bed, around 6"high, maybe 15" across and 3ft long could be just the thing for the giant Vanda. Its roots can lay in the warm shallow water with plant propped up at end. Easy and less water waste. I like vandas especially, so always mulling over a practical technique.
I agree, I found that the plastic container that was the trashcan of all things was just the perfect thing for it. It doesn't hang over the side.