Help, the flower is wilting

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Dec 25, 2020
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So i bought my paphiopedilum x nitens before 2 days and brought it home, saw the substrate almost dry i watered it by sinking it for 2 minutes in tapwater, now the flower is wilting 😰😨😱😤😭 so is that normal the plant foliage is healthy but the flower will be gone 😅, did i do somethinh wrong?i tought the flowers on phaps are less like to blast like phalaenopsis . Here is an image when i brought her home.20201223_190340.jpg
If it was in full bloom when you acquired it, there’s no telling how old the flower is, so it could be normal sinescence.

A 2-minute soak will do nothing to harm the plant.

Yes, you can use RO water, but be aware that you’ll have to provide ALL nutrients to the plants, including calcium and magnesium that are often left out of fertilizer formulas.

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