Truth be told Bike week was taking place the first week that I was at Myrtle Beach. I dragged Donna to every spot that had tents and bikes and bike parts for sale. I also meet with the would be painter of my soon to be made custom bike. Supposedly the majority of my parts were supposed to be shipped out of Calif. a week ago. However, I have not heard from Thunder Customs (where the bike will be built) that they have actual arrived or were even shipped. Once the parts arrive we will blend them with the few other custom parts that are on site. The paint should take approx. 2 to 3 weeks. There is also parts to be shipped out for powder coating as well as chroming. If all goes well, we are probable talking about 2 months before the completion of the bike once all the parts are available. I can't wait. While at bike week I bought a lock, and a set of limited addition mirrors for the bike.