How's the weather?

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it's finally raining, and 76˚f. ahhhhhhh..... (crops are sighing as well - there were soybean fields going flat, and very stressed corn)

some rain/thunderstorms headed your way, clark
We've had sporadic t-storms here is Southern Ontatio too. A friend of mine told me the weather had reported thunderstorms were "here and there, but not everywhere!" Lol
We managed to get a good storm over night and woke up to happy vegetables growing in our garden.

We're heading back from Lake Huron (where it was sunny and 30c) into a wall of T-storm clouds!!
I love my heat and humidity, but for the crops I'll give them a few cool and rainy days :)

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We've been getting a fair amount of rain lately:clap::clap:

Temps are only running up to the mid 90's now.

Just came back from a trip to Atlanta, GA (about a 5 hour trip south of me). From about Monteagle (about 2.5 hours south)down everything is still nice and green. But you can see plenty of drought evidence north of that line.
We got half an inch of rain. It's about time...but with temperatures going back to the high 90's this week, I'll still have to hit the hose.
canadian weather radar?

hey, I was wondering if our canadian members could let me know if there is a northern counterpart to the u.s. gov't. weather radar system?
I use this weather radar a lot, but it doesn't show the rain/snow that is just up in quebec and ontario. if there is a weather radar service that doesn't have all the ads and things like that, it would be great if someone could post it here so that we could use it

* - found it

it's supposed to reach 95˚ today, with ozone/air quality warnings.. risk of strong thunderstorms tonight. thank God today is a day off and I don't have to be in the greenhouses today :clap: :clap: :clap: . there must be a stream up in the adirondacks that has some orchids growing next to it that i can go and photograph, and then take a dunk in the water :D
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Why is my life not always a sauna? Oh man does this weather make ME happy?

...Don't be a hater :p

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there was a tornado near wilkes-barre today; heard from mother of woman who helps out at greenhouse/veggie stand business, who had gone down to pa to pick up family; got stuck in a cracker barrel for an hour while waiting for storm to pass

was very humid though slightly cooler today, though still got dehydrated and overheated while working in very sunny greenhouse, had to stick head under cold shower at work and then drink and drink...
Well, I'm out at my LI place now. Apparently, every area around us had big, spectacular thunderstorms with hail and everything...NYC, Boston. Just not us. We had a little rain, lots of thunder and lightning around us, but not the storm itself. I went fishing, thinking it had definitely passed us. Saw lots of lightning across the water in the Hamptons. Didn't think much about it, but when I saw horizontal lightning extending many miles across.....that was it for my fishing. Hell, if I'm going to risk death, I'd better be catching fish!
I saw three sprinkles today. Very cool and humid tho, nice, but my tomatoes could use some more sun, please!
Interesting -- usually California is sunny and Michigan has lots of clouds. But Michigan finally got some rain yesterday and today. Much needed!
Today, I woke up to thunder and lightning at 5am-7am, now hard rain. It is so dark it looks like November. Cool, might hit mid 60's today. Weird weather for July. Thunder is not common in the Puget Sound area and summers are usually much nicer............
had strong thunderstorms last night and power out since 10 pm or so (530am now). glad I have dialup internet and laptop batteries :) . very glad to have had all of the rain, though! now time to investigate whether or not there is any hot water in the tank for morning shower (huh; power just came back on... )
Now temp up here again, on Friday night we had around 9C and now we going for over 30C today again, its crazy.