How's the weather?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hallelujah! :D:D:D

We have our first rain in nearly 6 weeks :clap::clap::clap: during which time, daytime temps have been constantly over 30C :sob::sob::sob: And I'm on tank water!!!

Good for you! California needs that water too. I wish somebody would
turn off the sky faucet here. It's been raining since November in south
east KY.

Pretty much the same here in Hawaii, but I think it may be a little warmer...
yesterday and monday we had +16C here and sun
more and more palnts start to flower have to make some pic the next days....

over 6 weeks to early as I ever known
Oh goodie! We're getting 30cm of rain.
It won't be cold, which will be great when I have to pull out my canoe to get to work (kidding).
Well the sun came out this morning so I did some yard work. Dug up a bunch of heliconia so we could plant some more ginger. I was supposed to mow the grass, which hasn't been done in a few weeks. Went to take the heliconia to the green waste dump, came back to pouring rain. I need to go cook dinner before the wife gets home otherwise there could be trouble...