Humidity Trays

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2015
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Does anyone have a source for 12”w x 21-24”L humidity trays with grids? I previously purchased 12x21 trays from Orchid Web, however they have run out of the grids that go on top and do not have any estimate on when they’ll be back in stock.

My plant stands have 24”x36” and 24”x48” shelves so the 12” width works perfectly. The ones I’ve found from other vendors are odd sizes and I hate to waste space on the shelves.
The black filter grids are much thicker than egg crate, as well as being less visually obtrusive.
I buy all of my trays through Gardeners' Supply in Vermont. I use "egg crate" in the bottom of the trays to provide a base to keep the pots and plants from sitting for too long directly in water. The egg crate is from Lowes or Home Depot, they both carry it.
It has made a huge difference in my humidity levels under lights. If I keep water in those trays, my humidity rises 15-20 points, maybe a bit more. From 40% to 55, 60, even 62% during the winter. All of my Bulbophyllums. Phrags. and Phalaenopsis love the extra humidity.
I should mention that in my bay window, I needed a stiffer tray. I ordered black metal trays for Gardeners Supply. There were 3 in a package, roughly one foot wide, 2" deep and 30" long. I have egg crate in those as well.
Does anyone have a source for 12”w x 21-24”L humidity trays with grids? I previously purchased 12x21 trays from Orchid Web, however they have run out of the grids that go on top and do not have any estimate on when they’ll be back in stock.

My plant stands have 24”x36” and 24”x48” shelves so the 12” width works perfectly. The ones I’ve found from other vendors are odd sizes and I hate to waste space on the shelves.
Hausermann’s has these.

But for a very few dollars, you can buy large black rubber shoe trays and the plastic screening to fit into or cover them, which is easily trimmed.
mSummers, may I suggest an alternative? Buy a relatively cheap Vicks 2 gal. humidifier that will benefit your
plants and your house hold as well. When I was windowsill growing, I kept the humidifier sitting on the floor
directly underneath the plants and it raised the humidity to approximately 75% and often higher.
+1 DIY
+1 Vicks 2g humidifier

Eggcrate is easily cut to size using Cutco scissors. The normal, thinner scissors won't cut the plastic cleanly so you might end up having to use garden pruners (i.e. Corona classic bypass pruner) instead if you don't have heavy duty scissors handy.

Here's how mine turned out:

Here's what I bought:

I also have a 2g Vicks humidifier that just dials on. It's perfect if you want to use with home automation or something like a wifi plug.
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Lookin' good. I have three Vick's in my greenhouse and they work very well for not much money. I just use my
hand to turn 'em on. Very low tech and too much automation makes me lazy.