My original intention was to treat my rain water that has been stagnant for a while. Collected from our clay roofing, I can see some other stuff collected along the way. I refrain using chemicals so I search for some organic solution.
I stumbled this notion about extra oxygen than can be supplied deep down below the potting. This is basically what we need so we don't over water the roots (no oxygen). In nature, rain could pick up a few oxygen before it reaches the ground. This extra oxygen could be the reason why these plants are not over watered even though they get soaked for days in their habitat. And probably control bad fungus/bacteria too. Not impossible.
I stumbled this notion about extra oxygen than can be supplied deep down below the potting. This is basically what we need so we don't over water the roots (no oxygen). In nature, rain could pick up a few oxygen before it reaches the ground. This extra oxygen could be the reason why these plants are not over watered even though they get soaked for days in their habitat. And probably control bad fungus/bacteria too. Not impossible.