Hydrogen Peroxide

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My original intention was to treat my rain water that has been stagnant for a while. Collected from our clay roofing, I can see some other stuff collected along the way. I refrain using chemicals so I search for some organic solution.
I stumbled this notion about extra oxygen than can be supplied deep down below the potting. This is basically what we need so we don't over water the roots (no oxygen). In nature, rain could pick up a few oxygen before it reaches the ground. This extra oxygen could be the reason why these plants are not over watered even though they get soaked for days in their habitat. And probably control bad fungus/bacteria too. Not impossible.
Well, you should have stated it in the beginning.
Now I'm interested reading about what others would say about treating rain water. :)
Now that got your attention.:)
I was just curious if somebody have already tried and have some results.
So far, nothing from the internet say it's a bad idea but just to be careful handling the stuff.
But I have already used some diluted water and so far the plants are fine.
I like to experiment, now I have another reason to buy another plant:wink:
Myxodex has mentioned that he uses it for treating rain water (message #16). If you are using 3% HP, it will be quite expensive to get the concentration he is using.

When I started to use rain water, I worried about the water born opportunistic pathogen. But in practice, I haven't had any problems. Healthy, unstressed plants don't get sick easily from those opportunistic attack. We don't have lots of precipitation, so I have about 250 gallon rain barrels. So the water is stored there for a long time. In the winter, I have to move them indoor, and get stored for 4-5 months. There are some organic matters (fragmented leaves, pollen etc) even though large things are filtered out. So it does smell a bit like methane after a while. The only time I treat it by boiling is for deflasked seedlings (first 1-2 weeks), and for carnivorous plant seed germination (to reduce cyanobacteria bloom).

I think Bjorn uses pond water, and I don't think he treats it, neither.
35% HP is available in quartz or gallons. For drenching, 100 ppm is not expensive. If it actually works, that's the question.
For the very concentrated hp, getting some on leather gloves will cause them to combust (yes, really). But that's super concentrated.

For standing water in barrels, you could always turn on an air stone once in a while to get some air moving into it. Also periodic running through a UV filter can cancel out microbes (like for aquariums, or for big ebb/flood/ hydro systems)

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Yup, I saw the same article and more if you google it with plants and orchids and hydrophonics. It really got my interest. My 35% hp is on the way.

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