I agree, but it's not only in the USA...Sadly the USA is chock full of utter morons. A willful suspension of disbelief in fairy tales and lies supercedes logic and scientific evidence in the self-withered minds of many of our citizens today. It's a sad state of affairs which helps line the pockets of those who own our government now and those who aspire and conspire to own our government in years to come. "We the People" has become more of a myth than a reality -- scary times indeed!
This civilisation at least. New actors will come in and the story will change a bit but the play will continue.FlowerFaerie; said:Perhaps I'm just getting old & cynical :crazy: but it seems to me that civilisation has passed it's peak....
Ha ha ha! :rollhappy: Who wrote this BS? A million in R&D spent by HP goes several times further than 10 million spent on university driven research. I'm a PhD student with lots of clever ideas and I'm hardly turning any of that "innovation" into "manufacturing jobs" or anything else that will employ people or even lead to a worthwhile product. It is money-savy private people who turn the grandiose ideas of PhD or the man on the street into anything worth while.
This is happening less and less in the US. A PHd student in the US came up with a revolutionary new way to make lithium batteries. After taking it to the big Wall street "visionaries" who laughed at him and sent him packing, he took it too the Chinese Govt. who built 7 successful plants. Just recently he came back to the US and got the TN state govt to help put together a package of private and public $ to put a plant together in the US.
The Oil industry was nurtured and subsidized for years by tax payer dollars in its infancy in the 1930, as was the agricultural industry to develop the giant conglomerates of Monsanto and Cargil. I keep hearing the line "govts shouldn't be picking the winners and losers". But govts have been doing this all the time since their inception. There is no separation between govt, business, and the rest of society.
There's been some revolutionary breakthroughs in energy technology that just appear to be gobbled up and buried alive in the bowels of the major corporations (that would otherwise been competing with their established products).
There is no such thing as "free markets" in the US.
Many said it clearly and publicly that they wished Obama to fail. This is a very good way to destroy a nation.
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