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Horse whisperer
Supporting Member
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

It's been awhile, but I am back! I hope everyone is doing well. I've been taking a bit of a break from orchids lately since work and school have sucked away all my time. But I've got a much lighter schedule at the moment, so hopefully I can pay more attention to slippers. Hopefully, I can catch up with what's been going on lately and maybe see some of you at the Paph Forum in a week.

Also, I'll be updating the picture pages on slipperorchids.info over the next couple of weeks. If anyone has photos they'd like to contribute, please let me know!

My photos are pretty bad, but if you want to you can use them! :rolleyes:

Eric no need to be so modest - you know beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!! :D :D

Not to forget Stephen, your site is most informative and nice to know you are back here.

Best regards from Germany, rudolf
Steven, I really love your site, glad you are keeping it up! Feel free to use any photos I posted here on your site as well if you wish.