Well-Known Member
Don't forget duct tape.
Plastic pots of all sizes
Duct Tape
More Duct Tape
Gorilla Tape (for when duct tape just isn't doing it or it needs to be black)
Floral wire and tape
LOTS of black cloth, all sizes
hair pins/straight pins
crates/collapsable crates/boxes
drift wood
tillandsias/bromeliads/ferns/foliage plants
squares of plywood to help plants sit level
wedges to help lean plants
sheet moss
spanish moss
spray bottle
paper clips
wire cutters
bark/rocks/other fillers
clear tape/double sided tape
marker (i like the silver marker on black card stock for names)
trash bags
coffee...very important
second set of eyes to tell you an outside opinion
and lastly, I won't put a display in without my Lucky Begonia...every time I've won the AOS Trophy it's been in the display
The little moving butterfly thingies.