more inverts
warning: lots of big pics to follow
some inverts I saw while in either 1. Parque Nacional Omar Torrijos, El Cope, Cocle, Panama, 2. Fortuna, Panama 3 Santa Fe, Panama, or El Yunque, Puerto Rico . I have no idea what most of these are.
some type of katydid molting
el Yunque
a snail with a very reduced shell
El Cope
these were all over the big boulders in the streams, big ones were the size of a dinner plate
blue Morpho butterfly before the attack
these things wouldn't leave us alone if we awoke one during our nocturnal herp surveys until we turned off our lamps for a few minutes, that's me getting mauled
this moth was amazing in flight, looked to be in slow motion
a big, i mean big, tarantula that made its home in the middle our our trail, more likely the other way around, never got a good look at it though.
this one was about 25 cm long
this one hissed at me and made me squeal like a little piggy