I selfed it with some, crossed onto my Eucagenera Dream AM/AOS with some and left the rest with Jason. It's quite vigorous as it already has two small starts that are about an inch tall! I expect in about another year I'll have more. Fingers crossed!What's gonna happen to the pollen?
Jason at Orchids LtdWho’s flasking? Put me on the list for the Ecuagenera Dream x KV.
The original tag that came in the plant does say CA874. I purchased it from Mike in April of 2023. I also have another purchased at the same time from Mike and that tag says CA735. That one has two growths and I believe I can see an early indication of a sheath in one of the growths.She’s gorgeous, Congrats! What fantastic timing to have it just open for judging. Well done , especially in all this cold weather to jump through all these obstacles.
Thanks for sharing the cross info. I picked up a few CA874’s, not sure if it’s the same flask but they have the same parents and were also from Mike (Orchid527). Looking forward to growing these out now that there is an FCC in the mix.
Yes, I also picked up two of the CA735’s from Mike around May of 2023 when I got the others. However, my CA735 tags are blank on the parent names. Great growing! I set mine back a bit, I moved them directly to a 1 gallon net basket and not the best location.. they struggled for a to put on growth but are now humming along with new growths. Might be another few cycles before they establish their roots to be strong enough to push a flower.The original tag that came in the plant does say CA874. I purchased it from Mike in April of 2023. I also have another purchased at the same time from Mike and that tag says CA735. That one has two growths and I believe I can see an early indication of a sheath in one of the growths.