Show update
Well the weekend is over, we survived! Groves of people were in attendance with temps of 85-90 for the weekend, the show was most successful I'd say!
My display turned out better than I expected, others were in the same boat as I, plenty in bud but just sitting there, so we all made the most of it!
I clerked Sat. morning, something I really enjoy, worked with 2 judges I hadn't had the pleasure to work with before - Arnie Klehm & Pete Peterson. All these years living in this area if anyone ever asked me if I could pick out Arnie, no way, was he a ghost, is he just a legend? ....... by God he does exist! Our team was assigned some of the paphs & most on my display were on the list!
So what was the first thing I learned? Arnie & Pete questioned the class I entered them in! They were all primary hybrids, I went with what I thought was the predominate color. Lynnleigh, the whole background of the flower started out a pale green but by showtime the background color was white except for the very tip of the dorsal which was still green, so I put it in class30.White. The helenae x venustum cross I thought was a no brainer 31. Green/Yellow, as well as the spice x tigrinum cross. Tyke & Wossner Vollmond, I was straddling the fence on, put Tyke in 32.Bronze/Mahogany & Vollmond was a very pale yellow with that dark yellow stam, in my eyes so class 31. Green/Yellow. They would have moved every plant! Pete explained it as the dominate color, what color grabs your eye is what he felt so, Lynnleigh - pink. Spice x tigrinum - bronze/mahogany, Tyke with the pink pouch - pink, Vollmond - white, the dark yellow stam gets your attention so that makes the rest of the flower .... white? I never found out where the helenaeX should have been, I was kinda befuddled at that point! Bottomline - did they move any of them? No - They left them alone! If in doubt enter them in a lower class #, they can then be moved! Lynnleigh & Tyke took blue ribbons, Vollmond a 3rd. Tyke won by default but they liked it & felt is was deserving of a blue. The other competitors in the class got disqualified, a nice Susan Booth but pouches had color breaks and a multi claiming it was druryi x lowii, can you imagine what that would look like? Arnie quickly found a tag in the pot, it was from Oak Hill, which he said came from him, I added 2 years ago for the festival - BINGO - Matienzo's Condor!
Took one look at Milt.Andrea West, she quickly found a spot on my display & came home with me! The fragrance is lovely, there's 8 spikes, 3 are partially opened.