Is this what I bought?

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Grandma M


I bought this about 3 years, I grew it with my Paphs, and it really grew to be a rather large plant. It never bloomed before. Today I found this bloom tucked between the folds of 2 leaves and I had to force the folds open so I could free the flower.

I bought it as Paph Drewetii (niverum X lowii). I have never seen a Drewetii bloom and I'm not sure if this is what the label says it is. What this is? Anyone, does it look like Drewetii?

It is probably what the tag says it is. The problem is that the flower isn't open enough to get a good idea. If you open that flower up, it probably looks like the link that bcostello sent you.....I have found that often these kinds of bloomings will send up another spike from the same growth that is normal. Hopefully that is the case on this one, otherwise you have to wait a bit longer.
Looks like the joys of brachy/parvi x multi hybrids. Unfortunately this happens quite a bit in my experience. A few months ago I finally bloomed my Dr. Toot (delenatii x kolo) after waiting a few years and it did the exact same thing. Luckily my Dollgoldi is opening after an 11 year wait and looks like it will be decent.
I had to look up old local orchid society newsletters to verify what year I got it in lol. June of 1997 just didn't seem that long ago until I did the math...glad I bought it when I was 17.

Two other OS members bought a compot of it for a hefty price at the time since it had some great parents. I got mine as a 2" leaf span seedling (probably already a year old) from that compot at our yearly auction and have had it since. There are around 10 from that compot floating around our society and as far as I know this is the first one to bloom. It now has a leaf span of about 8 inches. In all fairness, it was "big enough to bloom" for the last 4 years but just kept making new leaves...not even any new growths yet!

I'll start a thread on it once it opens completely in the next day or two.
OOOhh -Mystery plants!

Doesn't look like a paph at all to me.
Gotta agree with Eric. The plant looks like a paph but lowii isn't as big as other multis & niveum is small, so I certainly wouldn't expect a rather large plant. As for the bloom ... this will be interesting, as it doesn't look like a paph at this stage but they can go thru pretty dramatic changes from bud to opening as we know. I don't like the photo of that Drewetti, something looks off to me about the color.

OMG, 11 years!! What?? Dang, I just ordered a compot of Dollgoldi...:sob:

WHEN they bloom, they can be lovely! I have to shy away from them. At one show I show a vendor that had at least 1/2 doz. Big multi growth plants, beautiful foliage & not a sign of any previous blooms! Try Hideki Okuyama instead, I was not disappointed!
WHEN they bloom, they can be lovely! I have to shy away from them. At one show I show a vendor that had at least 1/2 doz. Big multi growth plants, beautiful foliage & not a sign of any previous blooms! Try Hideki Okuyama instead, I was not disappointed!

Sounds like my Delrosi. It's got over a dozen huge growths and has never bloomed. I bought it at an auction as well when it had about 8 growths thinking maybe I could finally bloom it since the person that had it before got sick of waiting...jokes on me I guess.