Root growth and leaf growth on my mounted plants increased with reduced K (remember I dropped K before dropping N). So would indicate that K was inhibitory.
No it wouldn't. I got massive increase in root and leaf growth when I doubled the fertilizer for the Phals. They now get 100 to 150ppm N 2 or 3 times per day with no plain water in between.
I course I'm definitly not saying you should give all orchids that.
Another example: Now I have all my brachy and ''crack'' Paph seedlings in a pure mineral substrate and hydroponic and feed every few days with about 60ppm N and similar K (a bit lower maybe 40) at every watering. They sit in very shallow rain water and there is no flushing or dilution. They have already put on more growth this spring than the entire last season.
So much better than last year when they were in bark and fed less than half that and with plain water between feedings.
It was not too much feed that was the problem in this case. More probably too much fluctuation in water content of the mix and my inexperience with them. I am more confident as to their needs now
There is nothing wrong with feeding well when everything else is right.
Look at the history of Paph culture. First osmunda and moss and little or no feeding and they got results.
Bark needed much more N to get the same results because it consumed N
Hydro does not consume N but also does not hold it so it must be continuous.
I have found that the so called sensitive brachys actually love being fed as long as there is a constant level of water so there are no wild EC swings and roots remain fully hydrated. That is the key.
You are getting results with sphag, stones and light feeding. Similar to the osmunda and moss with no feed when you think about it. High CEC and high water content.
My kovachii is doing as well with the same treatment. But I'm trialing a couple of barbata types in old (weathered) CHC which I plan to give very little food ( maybe a pinch of blood and bone a couple of times a year) and more flushing. And hope to get a similar response.
So when we talk about feed concentrations we must include substrate as well. I have the feeling that my Hyro paphs and you basket paphs are seeing similar nutrient levels if they are both growing optimally?
But I think your mounted plants may do better with more (except perhaps your wild stuartiana)
Further reducing N over the past year or so has not inhibited root or leaf growth in my mounted plants suggesting that N beyound the 5ppm/saturated spray per day was a waste.
Its not a watse Rick. re-read all the Phal trials.
BTW did you check out the roots on my sturatiana?
Not yet but I will.