Here is our thinking on the plant:
This includes some input from Peruflora
--good news for everyone: Peruflora has done selective breeding. They have bred for vigor and compactness. These plants bloom 4 years from flask, I believe (we all have stories of the first generation
). For example this is a 5 growth plant. I don't think the leaf span is much above 12 inches.
--not the biggest kovachii flower but still opening
--color is excellent. It is not easy to capture by photo. The difficulty is sort of illustrated by the two photos being very different in color. [not just my judgment. The Perfuflora grower held this view of the darkness]
--the flower is flat. None of that ruffling/recurving etc
--they grow them in about 50% river sand (they called it sand, but really about 1/4 inch across -- so pebbles?) 50% organic. Also called the sand "limestone rock"
--lots of water: I think everyone knows that about Phrags already.
--and yes, the pollen is coming off on Monday!!!