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Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
Loomis, California USA
From the Pacific Orchid Expo in SF. Exhibited by Peruflora.

Sorry for the bad I-Phone pic.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
I'm sorry, but I don't see much improvement here. The dorsal is off-color and too small. The pouch is a very nice, velvety color though. I too hope
OZ can do some spectacular work with them.
Here are two pictures. I did one with the flash just so it wasn't blurry and gave better perspective on the shape.

For the one with the ruler, keep in mind the ruler is far enough to the front so I wasn't at risk of touching the plant, so it's perspective is off just a bit. The flower is about five and a half inches wide.


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Here is our thinking on the plant:
This includes some input from Peruflora
--good news for everyone: Peruflora has done selective breeding. They have bred for vigor and compactness. These plants bloom 4 years from flask, I believe (we all have stories of the first generation :( ). For example this is a 5 growth plant. I don't think the leaf span is much above 12 inches.
--not the biggest kovachii flower but still opening
--color is excellent. It is not easy to capture by photo. The difficulty is sort of illustrated by the two photos being very different in color. [not just my judgment. The Perfuflora grower held this view of the darkness]
--the flower is flat. None of that ruffling/recurving etc
--they grow them in about 50% river sand (they called it sand, but really about 1/4 inch across -- so pebbles?) 50% organic. Also called the sand "limestone rock"
--lots of water: I think everyone knows that about Phrags already. ;)
--and yes, the pollen is coming off on Monday!!!
100% agree on the color and the (bad) photos etc. The room at Fort Mason is really dark, so there isn't much to work with on a cell phone camera. It's a beautiful flower and I'm excited to see what they do with it!
That is a very fresh blooming.....the flower will continue to grow over the next few weeks. I have bloomed 3 plants so far and one was very similar to this one with a nice dark color. It is difficult to compare newly opened flowers to mature flowers since they change as they age. My flowers all grew from around 14-15 cm spread to 19cm+ when mature. The form also changes especially in response to higher temperatures. The species is spectacular by nature and is by far the largest in the genus.
Not to be negative, I'm genuinely curious. Regarding the flatness of the flower - is that actually holding?

What I've noticed in nearly all kovachii hybrids I've seen and bloomed is that the flowers open up, look great for a bit in terms of flatness and petal stance, and then slowly or sometimes quickly, the shape turns to crap.

While kovachii undoubtedly brings size into the equation, overall, I've been a bit underwhelmed with the shape and more importantly color of its hybrids in general. Here's hoping that this plant at least might help overcome the issue with petal shape and stance!
I have yet to see a kovachii hybrid that has truly impressed me. Now, the species, on the other hand.......! Well, maybe some day it will be easier and remotely affordable for me.....

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