Lepanthanopsis astrophora

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leopananopsis astrophora

Thanks for the link - I think the key is to get a goodly size division - on a stick - cant you see this little guy on a side of a tree in the rain forest - 50 to 85 is ok - a quick shower each day to dry off and it will love you - I think tank or with a shower each day will keep average humidity at 50 - 60 % -Light is not the problem - low to med - I keep mine on a humidty tray w/gravel and it has now bloomed twice a year for 3 years - you can snip off the exhausted spikes -J
That's me and my plant. They seem to be quite easy to grow and bloom - mine blooms several times a year. It would probably be nicer if it bloomed just once and had all of the flowers open at once, but hey, I'm not going to complain about any blooms I get!

I started off with mine growing in a hollow of a piece of wood inside the tank with just some loose bark and moss around the roots. Its now produced so many keikis that I switched it to a mount just so that it had something to grow up and sink those roots into. Its just started to spike again, so I'll get some pics of it when the flowers come out.
I have to try this one again - I should have known better than to try it in a pot. It's a very pretty plant.
I don't have good luck w/ lepanthes, but w/ playstele I found either getting a large piece or putting 2 small pieces together works. For media I added small pieces diatomite w/ sphagnum, tree fern fiber and other common media to keep moisture high.
Eric, this one seems much easier than a Lepanthes. Some of those have struggled for me as well, whereas this one seems to be pretty resilient, much tougher, and not at all 'finicky' about water and medium. It likes lots of air around its roots - if kept too wet, the roots will suffocate and rot. Like all of my mounted plants, it gets watered once a day (sometimes more if it gets really warm).