I love my copy of Masdevallias: Gems of the Orchid World. I'd loan it to you, but it has been droooooooled all over (especially page 223!!)
I have to fill in the application to join the AOS student judging program and one of the questions is about my "Library"!
Beside Rebecca Nothern's book and Pridgeon's Illustrated Encyclopedia I honestly dont have many orchid books. I know I need to become more familiar with Catt/Dendrobium/and Phal hybrids [and complex paphs], can anyone recommend good current books or should I just buy and study AQ+?
You'll do fine!Thanx. - little bit skeered!
A couple points:
Yes the information on the internet is numerous and can be frequently updated, but it is not reviewed. Judges do know the trustable sites for sure, so maybe list that you are aware of Jay's site, the monocot list, etc on your application.
As quaint as a "library" sounds, it shows ones dedication to orchidology and gives the judging center a perspective of your involvement in the hobby. Someone with a large library of non-general books, no matter how old or dated, would have a higher percentage of having the long term interest and dedication to the sport. to protect its investment in time to train you, a JC wants to have a good idea you'll stick it out to the end AND maintain your status for 20+ years. It's foolish for a center to admit potential dropouts, so lots of the screen is geared that way.
No way!!!... I might have to start looking a little more conservative though!