Macabre x charlesworthii

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Is this plant still alive? Would like to see an update next blooming...
I'm not sure :eek: I'm gonna have to go check the GH! The past 10 days I've gone thru my GH repotting, dividing because our orchid show is this next weekend. All of my maudiae types were going on the sales table, maybe I should reconsider!
Is this plant still alive? Would like to see an update next blooming...
It's alive & well although I lost the first growth so still a one growth plant.

That's one black paph baby! I bet you're going to judging with that under tow.
It's got a lot going for it but unfortunately on this blooming I got a bit of a color break but much to my surprise it did get a 2nd place ribbon at the show this last weekend.
Colour and glaze are truly incredible! I am pleased you did not sell the plant, I think it has great potential, perhaps crossed with a complex white or tan?
Note this thread was resurrected from last year. I did sell the coloratum, although almost as nice as this one, coloratums don't do much for me, just another Maudiae X. I am considering it for breeding. I have a Tyke (henry x barbi) in bloom and my first choice is to put slipperys henry pollen on it. There are 2 things I'd like to improve on the Tyke - take some of the recurve out of the dorsal and make the spots bigger, it has fine peppering. This plant should help with the dorsal and maintain color but I'd have to pass on the spots, oh well can't have everything .... I'm tempted.
WOW! Thanks a lot for the late response. I'm glad to see it bloom again!