Malaysia trip continued

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
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Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
Rogier's trip continued. Here is P. niveum growing in a place you may not have expected - on sea islands. In an area known as Langkawi there are many of these islands and they are the habitat of the paphs and a number of other epiphytic orchids.


He said that P. niveum grew just a few meters above the waves. None were in flower however.



He found some Corybas in flower as well in an area called the Cameron Higlands. The species is C. carinatus.


Another group of plants common to Malaysia is the genus Nepanthes. Here is N. ampullaria growing on Gunung Jerai. These plants are in fact huge, up to 10 meters long and the pitchers exist in clusters like this, giving the impression of a compact plant, but in truth this is not so.


He saw many other plants and if you want a deeper look, check out this link: Rogier van Vugt's Malaysia Trip
Oh I see he was in excellent company with Rianne, the daughter of Koos Wubben :) !!!! I greatly appreciated all of his very impressive pics!!!! Thanks for the link Tom!!! Jeab
Very impressive! The world of the botanical naturalist is a kaliedoscope of awe and wonder. Thank you for sharing! Very much appreciated!
Milaysia Trip Continued

Very impressive! The world of the botanical naturalist is a kaliedoscope of awe and wonder. Thank you for sharing! Very much appreciated!
Corybas is one of the commonest orchids in Malaysia and Indonesia, they are really plentiful in any wet shady place over 500m altitude. There are many species and varieties so far, and they are really easy to grow in a paph mix.

Don't try anything like the 'terrestrial mixes' for Malay/Indo corybas at all, or they will sulk and die. Nice photos of niveum. The langkawi type is the best in terms of shape and flower size. It had been completely collected out according to many reports at the early 90's, but now there are hundreds of thousands of those in every island.
Thanks for posting these Tom, by the way, another non orchid plant from Langkawi Islands is a really neat compact variety of Hoya lacunosa, makes a great houseplant and is not a victim of CITES. (relatively abundant and not listed)
Ok! I think I met him then :) ! Is he the man with the Corybas collection? Jean

Sounds likely Jean. I know he has C. pictus and C. hipidus. He is really tall, right around 2 meters! Nice guy and very knowledgeable about plants in general and loves all things odd and small. Not a bad artist either!