I don't want to hurt your feelings but this is starting to look like my kitchen! oke:
I don't want to hurt your feelings but this is starting to look like my kitchen! oke:
Hey, that's not a costus! I never expected mexis to be so 'weedy'... How long have you had that one?
Has anybody tried basket culture with live sphagnum moss?
I have also moved all my paphs to baskets. They're potted in coco husk, orchid bark and minimal sphagnum. All are showing signs of growth. My delenatii has produced three new growths since being in a basket and one of the older unbloomed growths has started to grow leaves again after stopping for a while.
Except, it's a greenhouse! Lol.
Rick, your Mex looks great! I have some long lost memory of Al, from Al's Orchids growing one in a large, like a foot in diameter, basket. When I saw yours in the picture I guess I was surprised it wasn't in one too!
Then again, if something is clearly working, why mess with it? (that's been our sentiment regarding the forum the last five years! And frankly, I suppose it's true for Eric's kitchen as well!)
I don't want to hurt your feelings but this is starting to look like my kitchen! oke:
I hear that!!!It's pretty scary how you can put up a new GH and within just a few months it's almost as crowded as it was in the old GH:sob:
Wait until the end of the year when I go to the Orlando area!! oke:I don't see any sangii cooking on the stove Ericoke:oke:oke:
I'm curious if the roots will dive back, stay airborne or wrap around the outside of the basket.
Do you think you may need a deeper/bigger pot next time?
I had a sudden wind storm hit my plants outside and one of my phrag besseae was blown off it's shelf. So I re-potted it in sphagnum in a Kool Krate basket. These are (were) sold to store CDs but I never bought one for this purpose. The plant is a climber, hence the tree fern pole.
Rick, Daryl from Kelly's Korner supplies (and my old society) was posting on facebook about how baskets aren't just for Vandas so I hope you don't mind I shared a link on our forum fb page.