Masdevallia ignea

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It's blooming, so you're doing something right! What's your temp range and lighting?
Doesn't doesn't look like it is growing to warm to me. Flower is good and leaves are a nice green.
Wonderful plant!!! I've always wanted one....

My Masd. book list it as a cool growing plant.... 27 deg c max. Others list it as a C-I.

I like you use as a guide to growing.
it would rather be as cool as you can make it, but as long as it seems happy and keeps growing then you're okay. I managed to deprive the existence of a good number of igneas, which makes me very sad as I love this species and other very cool temp masdevallias; if you were to put your plant in a plastic pot and inside of a clay pot with sand in between, you could probably make the plant a lot happier (make a zeer pot). I think as long as the roots and base of the plant are cooler, and there is air movement for the leaves, then you can keep it happier. a fan pad cooler i've read can really make these happy
Its growing in a mesh pot which gives it a certain amount of cooling at the roots. But at our last club meeting someone brought in one with 9!!! flowers and it was the same size as this one. He grows his cold (down to 5C)
I kept this one at 16C this winter so maybe too warm?
I had to do the conversion, but 16c (60f) sounds like what you would hope to get the temps near or below during the warm season. I would think that the 50'sf would be better, and if it can handle closer to freezing (as it seems to since all the flowers) then all the better. I would want to have any cool habitat masdevallia types in the 50's regularly, or at least low 60's. When I was sold some masdevallias and a few draculas, they were okay in my apartment in the winter when it was in the low to mid 60'sf all the time, but when we had a summer heat wave, they kicked the bucket (was in the high 70's and sometimes higher overnight)
16C Night temps? It really needs 7-10C @ night to get the best bloom out of it. Im not sure how cold you get but you could probably grow it out doors in the winter.

I found clay pots will give you a few deg. cooler root zone through evap cooling than net pots.