Mealy Bugs (I think) - Please HELP!

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Could this have been the source of the mealies, or is it a separate bug the alcohol also killed? Can anyone identify this critter?

fast glance looks like a millipede, they often are found in potting mix that is breaking down, they eat that kind of material. you can find them often in the woods, under rocks, eating usually decaying material though they might sometimes chew on root tips but that is just a guess. too bad you can't train them to eat mealybug eggs.. :) if they are around it's probably a good sign that your potting mix needs to be changed because it's breaking down enough for them to have something to eat
Milli, and Centipedes eat fungus gnat larva. Mealies kill and spread disease among plants! At the Altamonte Slipper Symposium, one of the anouncers went on about using Neem Oil in solution. I'm ordering some this week. :(
I've been using Neem Oil for the past five years and don't think it smells bad. It's a bit pungeant, but I wouldn't say it's like onions and garlic. Something different although I'm not sure how to identify it. It works great on my pests and it won't hurt beneficial insects such as ladybugs. And it won't hurt kitties or humans either. FYI.
I've been using Neem Oil for the past five years and don't think it smells bad. It's a bit pungeant, but I wouldn't say it's like onions and garlic. Something different although I'm not sure how to identify it. It works great on my pests and it won't hurt beneficial insects such as ladybugs. And it won't hurt kitties or humans either. FYI.
I don't think it smells bad either, not sure how I'd describe it.
I find the smell of Neem oil sort of indescribable; I don't find it unpleasant, but it doesn't really remind me of anything else that I can put my finger on.

I've heard it touted as having anti-fungal properties as well. It's sold here primarily as a "leaf cleaner". A gardner I know swears by it for use on her roses; I know, I know, unrelated.
My bottle of neem oil definitely smells of stale garlic, not nice :D Mercifully it's not that strong and the smell disappears fairly quickly.
I think it smells like durian....which is OK, since I love durian and therefore like the smell...but I only use neem when my plants are outdoors...and not often, since its never worked for me...or at least, no more than plain old Sunspray oil. Take care, Eric
Mealy bugs are bad news. The worst pest in my opinion. If you find mealy bugs on a couple of your plants than it is almost certainly spread throughout your collection. If you have a large collection then you will have to spray a systemic pesticide of some sort.

A few years back I had mealy bugs in plague proportions. Nothing I used would work. It was getting to a point where I was re-considering my hobby. Then I noticed an Australian website that said the best way of getting rid of mealy bugs was to mix White Oil with the systemic pesticide Rogor. Both pesticides will kill the mealy bugs although the main function of the white oil is to assist the plant in absorbing the systemic Rogor. Well, it worked fantastic. Killed all the mealy bugs and I didn't have a problem for a few years. Unfortunately the little buggers are back so I'm going to have to spray again.

A few things to note -

* you need to spray at least 3 times in succession a week or so apart as the sprays only kill the adults not the eggs. So if you only spray once, the eggs will hatch shortly after and you will be right back to where you started.
* Rogor stinks and takes forever to dissapate. It has a real toxic smell to it as well. Truly awful.
* Some people will not use white oil as they feel it will damage there plants. I haven't found it to be a problem. You should only use it in cool weather. In anycase try it out on a couple of unimportant plants before spraying your whole collection.

If you have mealy bugs and nothing is working, consider mixing rogor and white oil. It is guaranteed to work.


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