Measurements when posting pictures

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I hope that the ST moderators discourage the posting of flower measurements, because it promotes competition that would soon eliminate the contributions of novice growers and people who post without any sense of competition. This would be a great loss for all ST users. I enjoy the success of a fellow grower and appreciate them sharing their successes with us. The encouragement of this group should be fostered and not squelched. If they continue to grow plants they will discover the quality characteristics of a flower, If not, so be it. I depend upon the measurements in AQ+ and Orchids+ to determine flower quality. And you need to see quite a few of a cross to determine if the characteristic you are seeking is universally expressed or if you are attracted to a rarely expressed aberration. I will contact the owner, if a ST posting shows a flower characteristic that would be useful in my breeding program. At that point I may request a measurement, but usually this has not been relevant to the request for pollen or the availability of a division.
Oh my, :poke:, Happy New Year to all of us.

It would be a sort of competition if, and only if, there was one - and only one - 'best measure'.

Not everyone likes the biggest flower. And some don't like little flowers.

I love to see teeth on Phrag-flowers, others consider it a flaw. I like twisted sepals, others want them to be flat. I consider kovachii and its hybrids a spectacularly ugly flower (for sheer disharmony), others love them. But when I see a photograph of a close-up flower which I see for the first time, I definetedly would like to know the dimensions in comparison - not competition - to the plant itself, to other flowers of the genus, to flowers of other genera.
That does not imply a judgement which I like better or not. I do prefer flowers that have a long flowering time, but I love to see photographs of Stanhopea! (And I grow them, too.)

I will give dimensions when I post a photograph of a flower which is not shown every other day. And I'm glad if I find these informations. No one must do so. If you don't, just let others do so. This is neither about dicouraging anybody. Feel free to add informations if you like to.

:rollhappy: Feel free! could be a good motto for the New Year ...(as if it needed one)
I'm not fussed as to whether flower size measurements are included. It is interesting if they are but not compulsory. In the end if I want to assess whether the flowers of my plants are of award quality, I will compare them against awarded clones (which I can find on the internet).

One thing I think that should be included when posting flowers of hybrids is the name of the hybrids parents, especially new hybrids. I always include the name of the parents no matter how common the hybrid is. There would be new growers on the forum who wouldn't know what a St Swithin is. I think it is also important to include the clonal names of the parents involved in the flowers you post.