Unfortunatelly for most Slippertalk members, the article is in spanish.... however there are some habitat photos, which I think would be interesting for most of you in the forum...
a summary:
Mexypedium discovered (1988 - description 1990) and know from only one locality, which is kept "secret" at the AMO (Bot Garden). Only seven plants seen at this expedition. One plant and a division of a second were extracted, and "all" known plant in culture are originated from these plants.
Later on, an aficionado collected two more plants from this population. Not known what has happened wiuth these two plants.
1996, G. Salazar discovered two more plants at the same locality. Giving then ONLY 6 plants known in the wild (7 - 1 - 2 + 2 = 6 ) By this time only adult plants are known in the wild.
1998, a fire destroyed most of the known habitat of Mexypedium and only one plant is known to have survived. Apparently, this only plant has not bloomed since then.
2009, several new plants (at least 6 different genotypes) were discovered during an expedition to the region. As well as the plants previously known, these new plants also grow on vertical limestones walls (pictures shown in article). This is the first time a plant blooming in August in the wild is registered.
http://www.jardinbotanicolankester.org/lankesteriana/Lankesteriana 9(3) 2009/31 Perez-Garcia.pdf
a summary:
Mexypedium discovered (1988 - description 1990) and know from only one locality, which is kept "secret" at the AMO (Bot Garden). Only seven plants seen at this expedition. One plant and a division of a second were extracted, and "all" known plant in culture are originated from these plants.
Later on, an aficionado collected two more plants from this population. Not known what has happened wiuth these two plants.
1996, G. Salazar discovered two more plants at the same locality. Giving then ONLY 6 plants known in the wild (7 - 1 - 2 + 2 = 6 ) By this time only adult plants are known in the wild.
1998, a fire destroyed most of the known habitat of Mexypedium and only one plant is known to have survived. Apparently, this only plant has not bloomed since then.
2009, several new plants (at least 6 different genotypes) were discovered during an expedition to the region. As well as the plants previously known, these new plants also grow on vertical limestones walls (pictures shown in article). This is the first time a plant blooming in August in the wild is registered.
http://www.jardinbotanicolankester.org/lankesteriana/Lankesteriana 9(3) 2009/31 Perez-Garcia.pdf