Monsoon Flora just put out a new list

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ID Cultivar name if available. (p) = provisional Pod Parent Pollen Parent Unit Price Order Qty Extended Price
Flasks $US.
B6713 Paph Pavanne victoria-regina 'Twisty' dianthum 'Paean' $20
B6720 Paph Rydeen dianthum parishii $20
B6721 Paph dianthum self $45
B6788 Phrag Monsoon Platinum Veil (p) Geralda wallisii $20
B6793 Paph Pink Sky Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS delenatii 'Monsoon Spring' $35
B6798 Paph Queen Isabela victoria regina 'Monsoon Victory' 4n Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B6801 Paph Monsoon Lady (p) victoria regina 'Monsoon Victory' 4n Booth's Stone Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $20
B6807 Paph Avalon Mist primulinum album 'Pippin' Pinocchio 'Durante' $15
B6810 Paph Golden Boy (p) Alice Barrios 'N's Pet' Pinocchio 'Engarde' $20
B6813 Paph victoria-regina 'Monsoon Victory'4n Pinocchio 'Engarde' $15
B6814 Phrag caudatum caudatum 'Monsoon Silverfall' AM/AOS caudatum 'Monsoon Waterfall' HCC/AOS $75

B6817 Paph Monsoon Ironwood (p) Pinocchio 'Engarde' Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $20
B6819 Paph Druid Spring 'Mt. Whitney' (chamberlainianum x pinocchio) $15
B6827 Paph Monsoon Red Dawn (p) Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS vietnamense 'Red River' $50
B6829 Paph Monsoon Ironwood (p) Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' Pinocchio 'Engarde' $20
B6846 Paph Kim Obi-De Prince Edward of York 'Monsoon Uli' AM/AOS victoria-rigina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n $20
B6847 Paph Monsoon Windward Sky (p) Prince Edward of York 'Monsoon Uli' AM/AOS Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $35

B6854 Paph Platinum Goddess (p) Hsinying Dragon 'Chlorophyll' sukhakulii v. alba 'Wisp' $15

B6859 Paph Monsoon Blade (p) Pinocchio 'Engarde' superbiens 'Monsoon Celebrity' HCC/AOS $15
B6860 Paph Monsoon Lady (p) Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' victoria-regina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n $20

B6872 Paph Prim Susan Primulinum album 'Pippen' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $20
B6875 Paph Lawless Rheingold concolor 'Majestic' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $20
B6882 Phrag Maria Glanz wallisii 'Tresses' besseae 'Red Circle' HCC/AOS $20
B6901 Paph Susan's Victory victoria-regina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $20
B6908 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' $30
B6909 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' $30
B6919 Phalaenopsis Jade Gold venosa gigantea $20
B6936 Phrag Paul Eugene Conroy longifolium 'Caldera' wallisii 'Tresses' $20
B6948 Paph Fanaticum 'Alex' bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' $100
B6949 Paph Magic Lantern 'Perfect' bellatulum 'Stellar' $100
B6954 Paph lowii 'Monsoon Redwing' dianthum 'Paean' $20
B6965 leucochilum v. ang thong sib $25
B6967 Paph Junko's Melody Memoria Larry Heuer 'Tall Man' delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $20
B6968 Paph Uneme S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' HCC/AOS delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $20
B6970 Paph Uneme delenatii 'Breeders Choice' S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' B/CSA HCC/AOS $20
B6971 Paph Alice Barrios 'N's Pet' delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $20
B6973 Paph Tony Semple haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' lowii 'Condor' 4n $20
B6974 Paph Stone Eridans haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B6975 Paph Hsinying Heron 'Platinum Eyrie' sukhakulii 'Noble Cause' 1/2 alba $20
B6977 Paph Monsoon Jalapeno (p) spicerianum 'Bora Bora' Buena Bay 'Following Sea' $20
B6978 Paph spicerianum 'Bora Bora' self $20
B6979 Paph Zollingeri spicerianum victoria regina 'Monsoon Victory' $20
B6980 Paph De Witt Smith spicerianum lowii 'Monsoon Redwing' $20
B6982 Paph Monsoon Leopard (p) haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' Mount Toro 'Elegance' HCC/AOS $20
B6983 Paph Evelyn Rollke bellatulum 'Speckled Balloon' sukhakulii 'Noble Cause' 1/2 alba $20
B6984 Paph Carolyn Butcher Fanaticum 'Jazz' delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $20
B6985 Paph Wayne Booth Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B6986 Paph Lady Rothschild rothschildianum 'Monsoon' AM-AOS Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B6988 Paph Monsoon Kingfish (p) Bel Royal haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' $20

B6993 Paph Rachael Anne Booth Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' $20
B6994 Paph Catherine Briois delenatii godefroyae v. ang thong $20
B6995 Paph Ma Belle malipoense 'Green Mamba' bellatulum 'Spotted Balloon' $20
B6996 Paph delenatii 'Monsoon Spring' 'Roundest Pouch' $20
B6997 Paph primulinum album Wayne Booth $20
B7002 Paph Rachael Anne Booth bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B7004 Paph Sierra Scene 'Starlight' delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $20
B7005 Paph Memorial Jack Fowlie Doctor Jack 'Kai's Best' $20
B7008 Paph John Nicholas delenatii 'Monsoon Spring' Wellesleyanum 'Golden Dawn' $20
B7011 Paph Molly Ott Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS delenatii 'Monsoon Spring' $20
B7012 Paph Monsoon Summer Girl (p) Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' B/CSA HCC/AOS $20
B7014 Paph Monsoon Spice Road (p) spicerianum 'Bora Bora' dianthum 'Paean' $20
B7015 Paph Pope John Paul Mount Toro 'Elegance' HCC/AOS Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $20
B7019 Paph (vic reg x pinocchio) 'Etude' haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' $20
B7021 Phrag caudatum 'Monsoon Waterfall' HCC/AOS Wossner Supergrande 'Dark Lace' $75
B7022 Phrag Court Jester boissierianum v. vittatum caudatum 'Monsoon Waterfall' HCC/AOS $50
B7023 Phrag caudatum caudatum 'Monsoon Waterfall' HCC/AOS caudatum var. warscewiczii $75
B7025 Paph In-Charm Firebird bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $20
B7029 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' $20
B7030 Paph Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS Avalon Mist 'Sun Dancer' $20
B7031 Paph Meredith Rose (p) S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' HCC/AOS, B/CSA Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $20
B7032 Paph In-Charm Jewel S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' HCC/AOS, B/CSA vietnamense 'Red River' $40
B7042 Paph Bo-Ying Chow Pinocchio 'Engard' bellatulum 'Gargantuan' $20
B7043 Paph Hsinying Dragon 'Chlorophyll' Bellatrix 'Monsoon Luna' HCC/AOS $20
B7050 Paph Mark Hasegawa concolor 'Roundest' rothschildianum 'Monsoon' AM/AOS $20
B7051 Paph Rolfei bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' rothschildianum 'Monsoon' AM/AOS $75
B7053 Paph Nicholle Tower Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS rothschildianum 'Monsoon' AM/AOS $40
B7054 Paph W.R. Lee curtisii rothschildianum 'Monsoon' AM/AOS $75
B7062 Paph Bellatrix 'Monsoon Luna' HCC/AOS armeniacum 'Nova' FCC/AOS $100
B7063 Paph Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS godefroyae v. ang thong $40
B7064 Paph Lynleigh Koopowitz 'Monsoon Balloon' AM/AOS Bellatrix 'Monsoon Luna' HCC/AOS $40
B7065 Paph Bellatrix 'Monsoon Luna' HCC/AOS concolor 'Majestic' $20
B7071 Paph Chapmanii superbiens v. curtisii 'Monsoon Celebrity' HCC/AOS bellatulum 'Hendry's Beach' $30
B7072 Paph Chamber of Puppets chamberlainianum x pinocchio 'Courage' dianthum $20
B7075 Paph Ma Belle malipoense 'Green Mamba' bellatulum 'Colossal' $30
B7076 Paph Angel Vein S. Gratrix 'Colossal' fairrieanum '1' $50
B7078 Paph dianthum 'Peaen' fairrieanum 'Mythology' $20
B7079 Paph fairrieanum alba 'Mythology' sib $40
B7083 Paph Diane Patricia Susan Booth 'Mauna Loa' curtisii 'Monsoon Celebrity' HCC/AOS $25
B7084 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Mauna Loa' bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' $25
B7087 Paph Berenice lowii 'Sabre' philippinense 'Monsoon Maroon' AM/AOS $20
B7089 Paph Isabel Booth philippinense 'Monsoon Maroon' AM/AOS Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $25
B7091 Paph Mother Teresa Yellow Tiger 'Golden Dragon' AM/AOS Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $50
B7092 Paph Yellow Tiger 'Golden Dragon' AM/AOS Shin-Yi's Pride 'Monsoon Aura' $30
B7093 Paph Yellow Tiger 'Golden Dragon' AM/AOS philippinense 'Monsoon Maroon' AM/AOS $30
B7094 Paph Memoria Rex VanDelden Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS armeniacum 'Starbright' $100
B7095 Paph Yellow Tiger 'Golden Dragon' AM/AOS Wellesleyanum 'Golden Dawn' $30
B7099 Paph Dallas superbiens v. curtisii 'Celebrity' HCC/AOS fairrieanum 'Flipant' $30
B7101 Paph Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS Shin-Yi's Pride 'Monsoon Aura' $30
B7105 Paph Ho Chi Minh armeniacum 'Double Dose' $30

those are the flasks
B6852 Paph (chamberlainianum x Pinocchio) 'Etude' Bengal Lancers 'Royal Monsoon' $30
B7045 Paph Monsoon Nova Luna (p) Bellatrix 'Monsoon Luna' HCC/AOS armeniacum 'Nova' FCC/AOS $30
B7002 Paph Rachael Anne Booth bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS $40
B6850 Paph Monsoon Dream (p) bellatulum 'Powerfull' Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $40
B6829 Paph Monsoon Ironwood (p) Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' Pinocchio 'Engarde' $40
B6860 Paph Monsoon Lady (p) Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' victoria-regina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n $35
B6875 Paph Lawless Rheingold concolor 'Majestic' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $35
B6824 Paph Carolyn Butcher delenatii 'Jupiter' Fanaticum 'Alex' $40
B6957 Paph Monsoon Duet (p) dianthum 'Paean' Pine Glow 'Etude' $35
B6956 Paph Monsoon Spice Trader (p) dianthum 'Paean' spicerianum 'Bora Bora' $35
B6811 Paph Doctor Jack 'Kai's Best' Iratsume 'Golden Dome' $30
B6855 Paph Druid Spring 'Mt. Whitney' Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $35
B6853 Paph Druid Queen (p) Druid Spring 'Sun Up' victoria-regina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n $35
B6982 Paph Monsoon Leopard (p) haynaldianum 'Dark Jungle' Mount Toro 'Elegance' HCC/AOS $40
B6854 Platinum Goddess (p) Hsinying Dragon 'Chlorophyll' sukhakulii v. alba 'Wisp' $40
B6793 Paph Pink Sky Lady Isabel 'Nancy's Choice' FCC/AOS delenatii 'Monsoon Spring' $40
B6967 Paph Junko's Melody Memoria Larry Heuer 'Tall Man' delenatii 'Breeders Choice' $35
B6868 Paph Pinocchio '747' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $30
B6859 Paph Monsoon Blade (p) Pinocchio 'Engarde' superbiens 'Monsoon Celebrity' HCC/AOS $25
B6816 Paph Monsoon New Yorker (p) Pinocchio 'Engarde' Prince Edward of York 'Monsoon Uli' AM-AOS $25
B6872 Paph Prim Susan Primulinum album 'Pippen' Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS $25
B6807 Paph Avalon Mist primulinum album 'Pippin' Pinocchio 'Durante' $25
B6846 Paph Kim Obi-De Prince Edward of York 'Monsoon Uli' AM/AOS victoria-rigina 'Monsoon Giant' 4n $30
B6847 Paph Monsoon Windward Sky (p) Prince Edward of York 'Monsoon Uli' AM/AOS Booth's Stone-Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $30
B6857 Paph In-Charm Jewel S. Gratrix 'Colossal' vietnamense 'Red River' $50
B6832 Paph S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' HCC/AOS, B/CSA malipoense 'Green Mamba' $50
B6960 Paph Lemonade spicerianum 'Bora Bora' primulinum album 'Pippin' $30
B7014 Paph Monsoon Spice Road (p) spicerianum 'Bora Bora' dianthum 'Paean' $30
B6858 Paph Platinum Goddess (p) sukhakulii alba 'wisp' Hsinying Dragon 'Chlorophyll' $30
B6976 Paph sukhakulii 'Noble Cause' 1/2 alba Hsinying Heron 'Platinum Eyrie' $30
B6871 Paph Meredith Rose Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS S. Gratrix 'Scandalous' HCC/AOS B/CSA $30
B6908 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' $40
B7029 Paph In-Charm Firebird Susan Booth 'Monsoon Mist' HCC-AOS bellatulum 'Monsoon Giant' $40
B6928 Paph Vanguard 'Monsoon Accord' HCC-AOS Pinocchio 'Durante' $30
B6801 Paph Monsoon Lady (p) victoria regina 'Monsoon Victory' 4n Booth's Stone Lady 'Monsoon Glory' $30
B6729 Paph Pavanne (p) victoria-regina 'Monsoon Victory' 4n dianthum 'Paean' $30
B6713 PaphPavanne (p) victoria-regina 'Twisty' dianthum 'Paean' $30

those are the compots
Thanks Todd. Hope you were able to copy and paste.
If anybody in the area wants to split something that lacks wide petals, pm me before Sunday noon.(eastern time)
Also would split or 3-way B6919.
Again, will not ship.
Wow. Huge list of compots. Hard to choose!! This would make a great Christmas present to our selves! Anyone up for suggestions on the 5 hardiest that will bloom in under 10 years?
BTW I have never gotten a flask as good as the ones I've gotten from Monsoon Flora. They have been the biggest healthiest plants I've ever gotten from flasks.

I'm a repeat customer too!
Just got off the phone, what a nice guy I talked to! Ordered 2 compots-
7045 Bellatrix x armeniacum
6847 Monsoon Windward Sky (PEY x Booth's Stone Lady).
Will split if someone's interested or trade, as I was also interested in 6982 Monsoon Leopard (haynald. x Mt. Toro) & 7076 Angel Vein (S.Gratrix x faiirie).
My wife got me the following flasks for Christmas:

B6788 Phrag Monsoon Platinum Veil (p) Geralda wallisii $20 (1)

B6882 Phrag Maria Glanz wallisii 'Tresses' besseae 'Red Circle' HCC/AOS $20 (1)

B6936 Phrag Paul Eugene Conroy longifolium 'Caldera' wallisii 'Tresses' $20 (1)

B6919 Phalaenopsis Jade Gold venosa gigantea $20 (1)

That was one of the easiest transactions ever made. Now on mailing list. Thank you.
Wow. Huge list of compots. Hard to choose!! This would make a great Christmas present to our selves! Anyone up for suggestions on the 5 hardiest that will bloom in under 10 years?

Diane you might e-mail Bryce as he is always willing to help out in the deciding part LOL I know I have asked his advice more than once.
It's been emailed to Bryce. Good suggestion. It's good to know he doesn't mind advising. The sale is awesome. Thanks.
I think Slippertalk paph addicts may have overwelmed them at Monsoon. Received a form email from them this afternoon saying they had a large response to the sale and that they were doing the orders first come, first packed and that my order was received. It's a darn good sale!
nice list, very tempting indeed. Is there any chance they are shipping to the
Philippines? Do I have to secure CITES and Phyto's for flasks? just in case I
decide to buy from them. thanks.
this is what they have on their website "Shipping starts at $8.25 for the first item and with more items goes up according to weight and distance but not very much. We will ship Flasks via USPS Priority Mail to addresses anywhere. Pucks and Compots to the continental US only."

you would have to e-mail them for any further info you needed
