This is actually the niche I plan to try out and have been buying flasks of what sound like good things to grow, with the plan to do mini compots to sell to people like me pre-greenhouse - ones with too little space to raise flasks themselves, but who want at least a bit of variety available to them when they buy from a grex. I haven't narrowed down the number of plants I'll usually plant, but Glen Decker suggested 3 to me, so I planted out a number of flasks I bought at the Paph Guild from Norito and from Sam Tsui in groups of three. I also have some flasks of species coming from Taiwan in the next month or so. I'm trying to plant less commonly available types - or truly rare ones, of course, so that there will be a demand. I've also bought several flasks from Woodstream and have others ordered. Divisions are coming along, but that won't be as interesting for buyers yet, since I'm a relatively new collector myself. I will let you all know in the near future what's planted, but I want to wait until I have a more complete list than I could put together right now
I should probably start a new thread on this at some point, but I just wanted to start asking the other night and fired away.