I really enjoy your report, learning by doing and feeling alive,
well done, Gina
I really enjoy your report, learning by doing and feeling alive,
well done, Gina
Glad of that, Chris.Well, yesterday was another very busy day with ladder, long pole roller, greenhouse whitewash, struggles with impeding objects underfoot on one side where a nursery of someone else's is located. I had a fall that initially made me decide to swear off ladders but that today I think can simply be instructive...live and learn. Only surface abrasions, thank goodness.
...and Ross, your 5 little Wossner Zwerg babies are nearly all open. Photos as promised soon!
Fun to have kids around periodically.
...How worried to I need to be about viral contamination? I never have had a large number of mounts like this, so I've always been able to keep the mounted plants from dripping on any other plants. Help!