My guess is the Desert Valley Orchid Society in Phoenix, Arizona would offer a lot of info on this subject...
I was in Colorado south of Colorado Springs before I came to Jersey. I grew in the house in front of windows. Very low humidity and very hard water. We didnt have air conditioning and I never had any trouble with my Paphs. I didnt have any trouble until I moved to New Jersey. In Colorado I grew all of my Paphs in clay pots and many of them were potted in straight Turface. In clay pots the Turface stayed damp for about a week. Incedently, the humidity is not much better in the house in NJ. Especially when the heat or air conditioning is on.I stand corrected. I still would be hesitant to try Paphs in the desert.
All good ideas for a GH. He said grow Paphs outdoors in Arizona - that should be enough.Correct me if I am wrong. I think evaporative cooling would work very well.