MSU Fertilizer

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Eric, maybe you should start a new thread about the OL Jungle Fertilizer. I'd like to learn more about it.
If I had the bottle here I would post, but I got it after realizing how much thicker and stronger plants from Orchids Limited were; even compared to OZ. I should have taken photos but I believe my seedlings are reacting to the new fertilizer, I previously was using an MSU.
They seem to really push the Green Jungle. I almost bought that when I bought the Dyna-grow. I am interested in your experience with it, and everybody's else's for that matter.
Question? For those using a MSU type fertilizer with tap or municipal water, which formula are you using, RO or well water? Thanks....
Doug, Dot answered your question
Yes. Well water/tap water are both ground water, having minerals. Whereas rain/RO/distilled do not. That's why there are two different formulas.

If you have typical well water/tap you'd use the well water/tap formula.
I went with the Green Jungle fert. because that's what the best, strongest plants I have in my collection were raised in. I culturally can't tell if it's making a big difference than MSU. For all I know it is a liquid MSU, as I haven't checked out the ingredients. I'm just trying to get to a point where I can grow a good assortment of phrag hybrids. I apparently need to work on my maintenance because I still have a few issues w/ mealies and scale but at least I'm catching most of them. When I get the Merit 75 and apply it that will be the test of a product's effectiveness!
I do have OL plants, but I can't say they are the strongest from all I've got. From the other side, I don't have any phrag from them. May be their phrags are really different. Thanks for an answer, Eric.

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