Well-Known Member
I just received these for my B-Day!!!
2 Cyp. montanums
5 Calypso bulbosa
2 Cyp. montanums
5 Calypso bulbosa
Best wishes to your birthday.
Would like to get such a present too.
Are this cypripediums out of this offer you was mentioning in eBay
in another discussion
I just received these for my B-Day!!!
2 Cyp. montanums
5 Calypso bulbosa
Happy B-day!
Happy birthday!
Are you planning on hybridizing with montanum? The only hybrid I've seen available (in the US) with montanum is with fasciolatum. There's a hybrid with tibeticum available for sale in the UK. There appears to be a natural hybrid in BC with parviflorum.
I wish much luck.
I am cultivating and propagating these species in Germany. Here they are extrem sensitive against rotting.
Are the calypso from west or from east USA , var. occidentale or orientale?
Yes!! I will try to make a few crosses in the spring with montanums!! It will depend on if they bloom this year & what I have in bloom also!!
I saw Ron Burch's article in Orchid Digest, and it mentioned that some cyp crosses need really mature plants for the seeds to be fertile (3-5 years after first bloom, I think).