My entire Paph collection

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Yay! My last bunch of Paphs arrived from Asendorfer yeasterday, so now I finally have a little helenae again (it's soooo cute! A baby helenae!). Woot! And a lowii too! And a schoseri! :rollhappy:

Um... Anyway, here are my new little ones and a freebie that I hope I'll be able to bloom since I don't know what it might look like (exciting):

First out is Mr. schoseri:

Then we have helenae:

The freebie, a villosum which is a new type from China apparently:

My lowii, a half grown plant:

And, finally, my only NoID (it arrived earlier this week and not from Asendorfer), a Maudiae Vinicolor/charlesworthii type of hybrid:


Subgenus Sigmatopetalum:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. argus
Paph. barbatum var. nigritum
Paph. bundtii
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. ceramense or cerveranum
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. hainanense
Paph. lawrenceanum 'Graue' BM/DOG
Paph. mastersianum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. robinsonii
Paph. schoseri (NEW)
Paph. sukhakulii 'Graue'
Paph. superbiens
Paph. superbiens var. curtisii
Paph. tonsum var. cupreum
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. violascens
Paph. wardii 'Darkwing' x self

Subgenus Paphiopedilum:
Paph. fairrieanum 'Dawlish Warren' x self
Paph. helenae (NEW)
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. henryanum
Paph. villosum
Paph. villsoum, new type from China (NEW)

Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. gardineri x sib 'Red Star' x 'Red Dragon'
Paph. lowii (NEW)
Paph. roebelenii
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Jim Crull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA (NEW)
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Miliais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Miliais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self

Subgenus Parvisepalum (what's this one doing here, huh, huuh, huuuh?):
Paph. malipoense 'Giant' x self

Primary hybrids:
Paph. Ashburtoniae (barbatum x insigne)
Paph. Maudiae (callosum x lawrenceanum) Vinicolor 'Schwarze Madonna'
Paph. Michael Koopowitz (philippinense x sanderianum)
Paph. Pandion (venustum x fairrieanum)
Paph. Prine Edward of York (rothschildianum x sanderianum)

Complex Hybrid:
Clair de Lune 'Edgard van Belle' FCC/AOS

Paph. Vinicolor 'Black Jack (NEW)
Yay! My newest addition arrived yesterday and now I have my first Phrag! I got this division as part of a payment for a Phal I sold recently. I've wanted this primary hybrid since I first laid eyes on it, but it seemed impossible to find in Europe, so I reasoned that it would take a while before I got it. You can imagine my surprise when it turned out that the person I sold the Phal to, HAD this Phrag that I had thought was pretty much out of my reach. When she agreed to trade me a division of it, I was walking on clouds. :D

So here it is, my little tuft of grass, my Phrag Green Hornet:

and we have another orchid addict! next up, lightstands, HID lamps, more plants...

nice collection!
Who? Me? I've no idea what you're talking about. :wink:

BTW, this is the SMALLER half of my collection, I have 55 Phals too... :D
A little progress report

I haven't bought any more Paphs, I just wanted to update the thread with some information about my darlings. :)

I did a progress check yesterday, to see if the newest youngsters had grown any (a sign of them establishing themselves I hope?) and noticed that ALL my new roths had grown! The real surprise though, was my little gardineri that had grown the most. :D I'm really thrilled that they all show sign of growth since they were shipped to me bare rooted, and I figured it would take quite some time for them to establish themselves, so it was a happy surprise that they have started growing already.

My new helenae is GROWING. Compared to the other one I had that didn't grow for five months, this little guy seems to be a better clone.

I also discovered two new future bloomers, my tonsum var. cupreum and my schoseri. This means I now have six Paphs in very low bud (robinsonii, cerveranum, mastersianum, and Ashburtoniae) that will bloom some year, probably next. :p

I'm still trying to figure out how to care properly for my Paphs and my Phrag. It's going so-so at the moment, but so far I haven't killed any of them (yet, anyway).
When did you start growing paphs? If only my parents would let me loose, I'd have tons of paphs! :) I definitely have the money.
Dangdangdang! I just discovered that what I had thought was a deficiency of some sort, was actually crown rot on my philippinense var. roebelenii! It's now down to only one fan (it had three when I got it, but one of them fell apart when I repotted it). :sob:

I've prepared for emergency repotting (since I had to pull it out of the pot) and also discovered that it didn't have any good root system. I'm not that surprised since half of its root system fell off when I got it due to root rot, but I had hoped it would have gotten more roots than it has. The root system is perfectly okay, it's just me that wants them to have big ones. On a happier note, I spotted the beginning of a new growth, and I hope it'll make it.

It seems I might be a bit heavy with the watering on my Paphs, so I'll try to hold myself back a bit.

You got a wonderful collection! I think you have more variety of plants than I do!

Thanks. :eek: I'm quite proud of my small collection and I'll try to keep them alive.

When did you start growing paphs? If only my parents would let me loose, I'd have tons of paphs! :) I definitely have the money.
I got my first Paph in March this year, so not that long. Most of my collection consists of single fanned young plants and I hope they'll start making more fans soon. I'm still struggling with getting the watering schedule right, and in this struggle some Paphs have had to sacrificed a leaf or two (I almost managed to murder my barbatum var. nigritum). Also, I'm trying to get the buds to survive. I've had two Paphs blasting their buds, one after the other, and I hope it's not a trend.

I wish I had my parents living nearby to STOP me from buying Paphs. :wink:
Dangdangdang! I just discovered that what I had thought was a deficiency of some sort, was actually crown rot

It seems I might be a bit heavy with the watering on my Paphs, so I'll try to hold myself back a bit.

IMO, once a plant has rot it doesnt get rid of it it only build strength to fight it. be careful with your watering and keep from watering the fans.

I wish I had my parents living nearby to STOP me from buying Paphs. :wink:

No, you wish your parents would help you buy more plants!!
No more Paphs, just a wee bit update on how they're all doing.

A lot of buds has blasted, a combination of owner mistakes and environmental issues, where the low humidity is the biggest one I think. Now, when we are starting to get temperatures below zero (Celsius) the humidity levels have dropped remarkably in my living room/bed room, where I don't have a humidifier. Luckily, the one I ordered the day before yesterday, has already arrived so only one night with humidity levels below 50 % is what they'll suffer (I hope).

I tossed my 'Oriental Red' x 'MM' into the terrarium together with my 'Big Garden' x 'Lark', since it has shown no sign of growth since I got it and its newest leaf started to flop over. I saw no sign of any new root growth (it's in a clear plastic pot, so it's easy to tell) so I put it in the terrarium till summer.

The 'Jim Crull' x 'CC' is one of the speedier growers, but my little gardineri is the fastest one of all. Its newest leaf has grown about 2 cm since it was potted. :D

My 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' is doing extremely well in the terrarium and its newest leaf beats all in growing speed I think (it's definitely after the title as fastest grower recently awarded my gardineri, like in the paragraph above). :D

There has been a lot of yellowing leaves in the rest of the collection, and many of the poor Paphs are losing more leaves than they can grow new ones.

I still have a bunch of Paphs in low bud, and I hope they stay that way till I've raised the humidity levels so I might enjoy seeing them blooming instead of blasting.

All in all, it's going so-so at the moment. It seems they don't like late autumn/early winter in my apartment.
I'm sorry to hear about your yellowing leafs. Could your mix be a little old?
It's good about the buds. I had a paph blast it's bud earlier. It stinks but at least we always have next year.
If the yellowing of the leaves the bottom leaves then its probably just normal. If you feel that you are losing them faster than normal especially if that particular growth has not bloomed yet. Then it could be a deficiency of some sort. Perhaps the plant is recycling nutrients.

I think its just the former and the leaves had served its purpose. It will grow a new one but its really hard to tell. Just had to observer them carefully in which I think you are.
Must show my growing roths.

This is my 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' (the root less roth standing in the terrarium) with its new leaf:

And this is the one surprising the living daylight out of me, because the second newest leaf is rather small still when this one popped up:

The funny thing is that both of these roths started on their leaves at the same time. That's the kind of difference a 95 % level of humidity and approximately 53% one, does...

I'm sorry to hear about your yellowing leafs. Could your mix be a little old?
It's good about the buds. I had a paph blast it's bud earlier. It stinks but at least we always have next year.
It shouldn't be since I haven't had them for a year yet and every one, except those from Asendorfer due to the freshness of that substrate, was repotted when I got them. I think it might be a light/humidity issue sine it seems to get worse the later it gets in the year. I'm going to fix the humidity issue with my new humidifier (Jack, now I have Oscar in the kitchen, and Jack in the living room :rollhappy: ) and see if things improve. Otherwise it's addressing every possible issue one by one until they are happy again. :D
Good luck! Both look like their doing well.
The "MM" is my best grower of the roths, or it was until the 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' started really getting comfy in its terrarium. I can't believe what a difference putting it in the terrarium did for it, it's amazing and I'm so glad I bought it from my friend (although I had never planned for it to be occupied by orchids when I did, had thought it would be a snake or two in there eventually). :D
Wooot! 4 New Paphies! XD

So, today I picked up my latest order from Orchid Inn (I participated in a joint order on a Swedish orchid forum, we ordered a total of 86 plants from Sam!) and I've been looking forward to this order ever since I placed it.

The Paphs I ordered were; Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor), barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle'), urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow'), and last but not the least, delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight').

I have an urbanianum and a barbatum var. nigritum since before, but these guys are not really growing that well, I even almost managed to kill the barbatum during this winter, but it might still make it (it has a new fan emerging and I hope I'll be able to save it). I ordered these new guys in case the other two don't make it.

So, when I came home it was with trepidation I unwrapped the roots on the new Paphs, since I've read that the roots might not always be the best on Orchid Inn's Paphs. Overall, the Paphs looked great, but who knew what was hidden beneath the wrapping? It turned out that the roots on the urbanianum and the barbatum were bad, the barbatum had only two and neither were viable. Since it also has two well grown fans, I don't think those two roots are enough to support the plant, so I hope it'll make more roots ASAP. The roots on the urbanianum were slightly better and it's only a single growth plant which helps, but I still hope this guy too, grow a bunch of new roots quickly.

Here's Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle'):

And here's Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow'):

When it came to the delenatii var. vinicolor I was relieved since the root system was perfectly okay and it had new roots growing as well. God, it's so gorgeous! I just love the maroon, almost black colour on the underside of the leaves, and their dark edges. I'm so glad you guys posted pics of this variety so I could get one for myself. :D

Here's my gorgeous Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight'):

Lastly, it was time for the Delrosi to show its true colours (or roots at least). The Delrosi threw both me and the guy responsible for the joint order, since it was so large. It said BS on the list I ordered from, but you never know what you'll get, so I was prepared for anything. It has three, large growths, with a leaf span of 40 cm each (16") and the leaves are approximately 5 cm wide (2"). Naturally, I was hoping for a root system to match the rest of the monstrosity, and I was not disappointed. It had a great root system, with plenty of new, fat roots growing as well as viable, older ones. I had to pot it into a 12 cm pot (ca 5") since the roots couldn't fit into anything smaller. This is now the biggest plant I have, and I'm so, so, SO pleased with it that I'm prepared to forget all about the barbatum's non-existing root system. :eek:

So here it is, my big one Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor):

Oh, and if I'm lucky, the Delrosi is going to bloom. :drool:

Updated list:

Subgenus Sigmatopetalum:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. argus
Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle') (NEW)
Paph. barbatum var. nigritum
Paph. bundtii
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. ceramense or cerveranum
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. hainanense
Paph. lawrenceanum 'Graue' BM/DOG
Paph. mastersianum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. robinsonii
Paph. schoseri
Paph. sukhakulii 'Graue'
Paph. superbiens
Paph. superbiens var. curtisii
Paph. tonsum var. cupreum
Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow') (NEW)
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. violascens
Paph. wardii 'Darkwing' x self

Subgenus Paphiopedilum:
Paph. fairrieanum 'Dawlish Warren' x self
Paph. helenae
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. henryanum
Paph. villosum
Paph. villsoum, new type from China

Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. gardineri x sib 'Red Star' x 'Red Dragon'
Paph. lowii
Paph. roebelenii
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Jim Crull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Miliais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Miliais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self

Subgenus Parvisepalum (what's this one doing here, huh, huuh, huuuh?):
Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight') (NEW)
Paph. malipoense 'Giant' x self

Primary hybrids:
Paph. Ashburtoniae (barbatum x insigne)
Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor) (NEW)
Paph. Maudiae (callosum x lawrenceanum) Vinicolor 'Schwarze Madonna'
Paph. Michael Koopowitz (philippinense x sanderianum)
Paph. Pandion (venustum x fairrieanum)
Paph. Prine Edward of York (rothschildianum x sanderianum)

Complex Hybrid:
Clair de Lune 'Edgard van Belle' FCC/AOS

Paph. Vinicolor 'Black Jack'

Oh, fogot to mention that my smallest roth ('Jim Crull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA) got badly burned. It's still alive, but I don't know if it'll make it yet. Another thing that has happened, is that my MK has started growing again after some serious sulking, which I'm very happy about. Other things that have happened are; my hainanense has started on a new growth, as have my schoseri, ciliolare and my wardii's second growth has started growing after I repotted it. So, all in all, most of my Paphs are doing alright with a few exceptions (barbatum var. nigritum and roebelenii are not too happy) and I hope my new ones are going to like living with me. :)

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