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The Roots (CA)..occasionally he has the flasks left over from shows that he has at home though..which is the only way i will buy them
Oh dear. I've recently participated in a joint order from OI, where I've ordered a delantii var dunkel among others. Should I worry? I also ordered a Delrosi, an urbanianum and a barbatum. All BS or NBS. They will be shipped barerooted and I'm prepared to toss them into my terrarium (more known as "the sick bay") until they establish themselves, but now I got really concerned. :(
don't fret. At least if they are 'bare rooted' the sender knows the conditions of the roots before they arrive. It would be foolish to send rootless plants knowing they were rootless.
Alright, now I feel better, thanks. :) I was mostly worried about the delantii (and the Delrosi, it's a half-toilette after all :D ), since it would be quite ironic if I lost the first toilette-Paph I've personally purchased, due to rot or something
From my experience, almost all plants I've got from Sam have grown very well, (I would say less than 10% lost, maybe depends on my past growing conditions or on the plants themselves). Just one time, a flask was upside down and plants damaged. The other thing is that I have found sometimes crosses seem to be false (about 5 times for me). Sam always does his best for me when I ask him.
So he's not perfect, can be better sometimes but he always have interesting things to get.
i have always had great plants from Orchid Inn. I have had trouble establishing his roth divisions though and have lost several of those (never buy a single-growth roth division) but the flasks and plants i have gotten have always been top quality.
:rollhappy::rollhappy::rollhappy:that's funny. I've never thought of them that way, yet toilet humor runs strong with me.
"Toilet" was the first thing that popped up in my mind the first time I saw a micranthum, "urinal" the second thing. :rollhappy:

(thanks for correcting my spelling of "toilet", I thought it looked weird)

here are the plants arrived today from Sam. All are quite good (leaves + roots), except the hirsutissimum that has almost no roots...
+ one roths flask (Perfecto x Raptor)

looking good! What are the parents behind roth 'Perfecto' and roth 'Raptor'? What other roth crosses did you get?

I think Sam quoted on his list that it is from Japanese breeding Val x MM for the Raptor and 'Perfecto' is from Orchid Zone Rex x MM
I got my latest order from Orchid Inn today:

The Paph. barbatum x sib ('Wesley' x 'Perfect Circle') BS, had two roots, which were not viable. The rest of the plant is great with two well grown growths, but with such a lousy root system, I can't see it getting enough nutrients to the leaves...

The second one, Paph. urbanianum x sib ('Shine and Glory' x 'Rainbow') NBS, also had a bad root system, but it was slightly better than the previous one, plus it's only a single, very healthy looking, growth plant, so I think it might be able to get enough water/nutrients to the leaves.

The third one, Paph. delenatii var. vinicolor x sib ('Purple Lantern' x Purple Delight') NBS, was overall in excellent condition. I'm really pleased with it.

The last one, Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii var. vinicolor) BS, was just awesome, with three mature growths and one heck of a root system. I'm so pleased with it that I'm practically on cloud nine! :rollhappy:

Overall, the plants were great looking (the root system on the barbatum being the only exception), and I'll definitely order from Sam again. :D
It's fascinating to note the title of this thread contrasted with the more recent posts it contains. It just might support that old notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity (with the exception of our own obituary, of course). Oscar Wilde put it another way: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

In most areas of commerce it's much more common for only those dissatisfied with a product or transaction to share their experience. The orchid industry seems more balanced in that we are just as likely to share our positive experiences.
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It's fascinating to note the title of this thread contrasted with the more recent posts it contains. It just might support that old notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity (with the exception of our own obituary, of course). Oscar Wilde put it another way: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

Don't get me wrong. I've already been disappointed by a few of his plants (bad roots, littles plants etc.) that are already on the other side. Some of them wouldn't even be put to sale here in the EU. However I still order because:
- he's one of the few (-not the only one-) US paph nursery I contacted that bothers answering his mail
- he has what looks like a 'selection program', and the EU market is not selection-oriented at all.
- he's the only one to offer a few crosses.
The issue with the orchid industry is that it's small, and shrinking. Everyone knows each other. If you start talking too much, you may get in trouble.