New genus and species of slipper orchid: Makaropedium

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Adorable Stud
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Just got the pics of the recently described new slipper orchid Makaropedium luteo-viridis Colorado from my good friend and co-author of the description A. Grotié.


It is the first find of a slipper orchid for the macaronesian region and as Africa is completely devoid of slippers, this was a big surprise.


The nearest cousins would be Cyp. calceolus (Spain mainland) and the south american Phragmipedium species, and as I understand, the authors thought there is enough evidence to create a new genus Makaropedium (reference to the region as in Mexipedium) . Locally this rare and endangered plant is know as 'bota de baifo' which literally means 'boots of the kid (young goat)'


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ohh wow. Does it have green markings? I can't find any pictures on goggle so I'm not sure if the marking (stripes) are black or green. Beautiful plant.
They don't do April Fool's in Spain; this is legit.

The article mentions that the plant is already undergoing propagation in vitro.

It also mentions that the local people know this plant and refer to it as the 'boot of April' or 'shoe of April'.

This is awesome news!!
They don't do April Fool's in Spain; this is legit.

The article mentions that the plant is already undergoing propagation in vitro.

It also mentions that the local people know this plant and refer to it as the 'boot of April' or 'shoe of April'.

This is awesome news!!

they do,they do... 'boot of April'...ops...
and read this part of the latin description...:
"....dehiscere pullmantur turis ticus..." hahahaha

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