Just got the pics of the recently described new slipper orchid Makaropedium luteo-viridis Colorado from my good friend and co-author of the description A. Grotié.
It is the first find of a slipper orchid for the macaronesian region and as Africa is completely devoid of slippers, this was a big surprise.
The nearest cousins would be Cyp. calceolus (Spain mainland) and the south american Phragmipedium species, and as I understand, the authors thought there is enough evidence to create a new genus Makaropedium (reference to the region as in Mexipedium) . Locally this rare and endangered plant is know as 'bota de baifo' which literally means 'boots of the kid (young goat)'

It is the first find of a slipper orchid for the macaronesian region and as Africa is completely devoid of slippers, this was a big surprise.

The nearest cousins would be Cyp. calceolus (Spain mainland) and the south american Phragmipedium species, and as I understand, the authors thought there is enough evidence to create a new genus Makaropedium (reference to the region as in Mexipedium) . Locally this rare and endangered plant is know as 'bota de baifo' which literally means 'boots of the kid (young goat)'

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