New Hybrid! Guess the parents.

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A new multifloral Hybrid opened up that we created. I made the cross back in 2001. It is a cross between 2 primaries. One is a primary of 2 multiflorals. The other is a primary between a multifloral and a Barbata type. Can you guess which 4 parent species are in the background of this new hybrid?

A little more challenging than guessing the parents of a straight primary, but I know you guys like challenges....

I like how it turned out by the way, just the dorsal is a little wonky, and there is a color brake in the pouch. The flower is huge, over 18 cm across.



Iantha Stage x Lady Isabel?

That was my first thought too. However, there are 4 different species in the background, not just 3. IMHO, Ianthat stage has got to be one parent and something with stonei is the other...but, what is the 4th species......Hmmmmmmm......philippinense?
Good point. I should have read the question better. I would think philippinense would make the petals less horizontal.

Considering there are four species, my guess is Iantha Stage x Stoned Addict.

Good point. I should have read the question better. I would think philippinense would make the petals less horizontal. At first, I agreed with this when I read it. However, sukhakulii is VERY dominant in breeding and that could account for the more horizontal petal stance than seen with philippinense. Also, roth, stonei and sukhakulii all have fairly horizontal petals, at least near the base (in stonei's case). Also again, (even though I'm no Paph genetics expert); but, I seem to remember that adductum's strongly downward pointing and thin petals are very dominant in breeding. Just look at roth x adductum; it's pretty much adductum shaped. So, where's Rob? We need some feedback, please.

Considering there are four species, my guess is Iantha Stage x Stoned Addict.

That was my first thought too. However, there are 4 different species in the background, not just 3. IMHO, Ianthat stage has got to be one parent and something with stonei is the other...but, what is the 4th species......Hmmmmmmm......philippinense?

Still only one correct species...
I'm guessing that the barbata species is sukhakulii and there probably is a cochlopetalum in it. Maybe glaucophyllum? Not sure what else is in there.
IMHO, Ianthat stage has got to be one parent

I'm guessing that the barbata species is sukhakulii and there probably is a cochlopetalum in it. Maybe glaucophyllum? Not sure what else is in there.

That was my first impression as well when I say this hybrid, that it looked like an Iantha Stage Hybrid, or a sukhakulii hybrid, but no, there is NO sukhakulii at all in the background in this hybrid. And no as well to a cochlopetalum, remember there are 3 multifloral, and 1 barbabta (no sukhakulii) species in the background.

It's going to take somebody way better than me to get this one.

Robert - do you think you would be able to guess if you didn't know the answer?

It's going to take somebody way better than me to get this one.

Robert - do you think you would be able to guess if you didn't know the answer?


I would probably get 2 out of the 4. Now that I know what they are, I can say oh yes I can see that.....

At least now you know roth is the correct species

Incorrect is:

Keep guessing, just from the process of elimination you will get it. The barbata species is what gave it the color, so think of a barbata species with dark flowers.
Okay, I'm gonna guess that ciliolare is the barbata species. Looks a little hairy to me.
Pretty Close :clap::clap:, It is actually Paph. superbiens. One of the parents of this cross was Paph. W.R. Lee. So now we have rothschildianum and superbiens. One of the 4 is very hard to get, so I will give it away, it is Paph. platyphyllum, so I will let you guess what # 4 is....
