New member here. I have been more seriously growing orchids the past 2-3 years. I have lost track of the number of orchids I have, but I think around 60-70. I do not have a greenhouse.
I am in Eastern Shore Maryland (USA). I have a handful of Paphs, 1 Phrag, and 1 Mexipedium. I just attended the Paph Forum and enjoyed it. I brought my 1 blooming mini Phrag and it didn't win anything, but I'm not surprised. It's the first time I ever entered an orchid into any type of show, so it was exciting.
I'm mainly a Vanda person but enjoy a few other genera also. Cattleyas don't like me/I don't like them? (Any I have repotted are acting like they are dying, get all dehydrated and calcium deficient - I just put one in a basket and treating like a Vanda, so far so good...).
At the Paph Forum I bought a Paph. rothschildianum and a Paph. Lady Isobel. I am excited to try and grow these. Looking for the best light conditions in my house at the moment. I have 1 West facing window where most of my potted orchids live (on a 2-tier iron plant shelf) and I have LED lights there - but only for the top tier (I am sure it doesn't make it down to the bottom tier much). My Vandas and mounted orchids are inside for the winter (October through May too cold outside) - they hang in windows in the sunroom (south and southeast near floor to ceiling windows).

I am in Eastern Shore Maryland (USA). I have a handful of Paphs, 1 Phrag, and 1 Mexipedium. I just attended the Paph Forum and enjoyed it. I brought my 1 blooming mini Phrag and it didn't win anything, but I'm not surprised. It's the first time I ever entered an orchid into any type of show, so it was exciting.
I'm mainly a Vanda person but enjoy a few other genera also. Cattleyas don't like me/I don't like them? (Any I have repotted are acting like they are dying, get all dehydrated and calcium deficient - I just put one in a basket and treating like a Vanda, so far so good...).
At the Paph Forum I bought a Paph. rothschildianum and a Paph. Lady Isobel. I am excited to try and grow these. Looking for the best light conditions in my house at the moment. I have 1 West facing window where most of my potted orchids live (on a 2-tier iron plant shelf) and I have LED lights there - but only for the top tier (I am sure it doesn't make it down to the bottom tier much). My Vandas and mounted orchids are inside for the winter (October through May too cold outside) - they hang in windows in the sunroom (south and southeast near floor to ceiling windows).